Month: October 2013

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    The crazy cat lady is moving out! Hooray! I declare victory against Evil White Cat.

    @imdominating See, I haven’t been following NFL, but it totally perplexes me that the whole state cheers for someone who plays elsewhere?

    Ladies and gentlemen, @the_snook sent me the funniest pet Halloween costume EVER. I present to you: Wrecking Pug.

    @drkknits Good luck!!!

  • The Story of Knitting Guild Camp

    I figured it was time to end the steady drip-drip of Instagram photos and actually write some WORDS in the BLOG like I used to do way back when. So as you’ve probably gathered, something pretty special took place last month. It was the biennial Camp for the Knitters Guild of NSW, and as the Camp Convenor for the past two years, it nearly killed me. But it was also awesome.

    First I have to give some thanks to a few people. I put my hand up for the role in October 2011 on the proviso that I could have a committee to help me. The two people who put their hands up and kindly volunteered to let me bully them for the next 20 months were Clare Hacker and Helen Giesaitis, and I couldn’t have done it without them! Thank you both so much.

    Me, Clare, and Helen

    The other folks who really went above and beyond were the Executive Committee: Merrin (first as President and then Treasurer), Sally (first as Treasurer and then President), Mary-Helen, Kate, and Ailsa. I don’t think the rest of the Guild appreciates how much work they do! There are a lot of other people to thank – the amazing teachers, the staff at The Tops, Donna and Zena for pouring champagne Friday night, Pru for arranging for GoGet to comp us a PeopleMover, everyone who gave someone a lift or tidied up the dining room or helped someone out – THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH.

    And thus I now present to you: Knit Camp 2013 – a story in pictures.Camp was held at Stanwell Tops Conference Centre, about an hour south of Sydney. While most people drove themselves, we still had over 20 people arriving on the train who needed to be ferried 8km from the station. Thanks to some lovely volunteers and the handy PeopleMover donated by GoGet, we got them all in two trips!

    GoGet Van

    President Sally gave a lovely kickoff speech Friday night (including a welcome to country).

    President Sally

    Then it was time for Helen’s brainchild: the Techniques Turntable! Similar to speed dating, knitters were able to visit seven different tables each of which had a handout and a teacher showing a specific technique. Here are Lara and Kate showing off Continental Knitting to a crowd!

    President Sally

    Camp continued Saturday with some great workshops, including this one on double knitting taught by Lynn.

    Double Knitting class

    Of course, there will always be one naughty student Instagramming rather than knitting…

    Naughty Kylie

    We had a separate building for social knitting and retail therapy, with four retailers on the Saturday and three on the Sunday. Here’s Judith from the Wollombi Wool Store, where I slipped and fell on some Rowan myself…


    Unfortunately for me, I noticed a sore throat the minute I arrived at Camp. I think I’d been running on stress and adrenaline for the last few weeks, and as soon as I started to relax my immune system just collapsed. Here I am hiding for a brief rest on Saturday.


    The weather was gorgeous. Some spinners actually set up outside!

    Spinning al fresco

    Did I mention the wandering masseuse? I got all the credit for this idea, but truth be told it had been suggested at several previous Camps. I ended up booking Ellen through Seated Massage, and I can’t recommend them or her highly enough. She roamed throughout the day giving discreet neck and shoulder massages to weary knitters. Highlight of my Saturday, let me tell you.


    More people went outside to catch the setting sun. It was perfect weather, just cool enough to still wear our handknits.


    We concluded Saturday night with an amazing Camp-wide Show & Tell. Each person went up to show off an item that was special to them and tell the story behind it. And check out that Twitter wall in the background! (This was a high-tech Camp.)

    Show & Tell

    Yeah. I wasn’t doing well at this point.


    More retail therapy on the Sunday with the girls from The House of Wool

    House of Wool

    And here’s Renae from SuzyHausfrau, giving an excellent talk on turning your knitting into a business. Our other non-traditional workshop offering was Photographing Your Knitting, taught by a professional photographer.


    And then it was a blur of final speeches and teary hugs and packing up and cleaning up and suddenly it was all over. And I was only joking a little bit when I collapsed there at the end.


    I ended up on antibiotics for two weeks, and I was basically a zombie all through preparations for our trip overseas a week later. But it was all worth it. Camp is done! And it went well! And somebody else has volunteered to do the next one! Really, couldn’t be better. šŸ™‚

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    @imdominating I sense a sexy, chaotic force in the universe.

    Iā€™ve been essentially lying prone all day like a slug. I guess I needed that.

    @imdominating Recently saw Anonymous described as T-Rex at end of JP. Definitely not heroic, and you sure as hell wouldn’t want it to look..

    @imdominating ..directly at you, but you still cheer when it eats the damn velociraptors. šŸ™‚

    @randomknits Wow! Looking fantastic.

    RT @pourmecoffee: Biological law: Mammals take 21 seconds to pee If you see someone taking more or less, say somethiā€¦


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    Very busy today! Now have to pack lots of beef on bicycle… (@ Meat Emporium)

    @nolim1t Bleurgh. What about those who earn more than their husbands? šŸ™‚

    White cat has returned. This is now officially a War.

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    @Whitepages_au Will do. Thank you.

    @amygdala Thanks for the info. Have passed along to my colleague @insertjokehere and rest of team!

    RT @supercres: Ask MeFi: “I’ve been dating a guy for 7mo, and I’m 99% sure he doesn’t have any teeth.” // SO WEIRD.

    @supercres Overthinking a plate of beansā€¦ which are soft so you donā€™t need any teeth. šŸ™‚

    Spotted the white cat thatā€™s been crapping in our garden and stressing out Petey. Hello, garden hose. #lessontaught

    @drkknits I like the GoGet Yarises!

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    @imdominating Yes. That was the biggest disappointment for me, that Randall Flagg wasn’t sexier.

    @imdominating At first I couldn’t remember what you’re talking about. And then I remembered that cheesy anthem scene. #haroldempathy

    @imdominating COUNTRY DON’T MEAN STUPID.

    @imdominating Dumb, rather. Obviously I need to have my own re-watch soon.

    @drkknits Scrunchies are the worst. I often resort to the destructive rubber band, to be honest.

    @drkknits At least it was a feet photo I’ve already seen.

    Seattle+The Washington Bus+Jeanne+Alissa = wedding proposal // TEARS. SO GREAT. #hormonal #jetlagged #cutelesbians

    Snook informed me recently I was wearing bobby pins “backwards.” Reddit told him crinkly side should be INWARDS. I disagree. Your thoughts?

    @drkknits @randomknits I have been doing research (i.e. google). I fear we may be wrong. I am doing an experiment today.

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @randomknits I am as flabbergasted as you are. However, just remembered I have one with sparkly bits on flat side.

    Oh, nice. Once again Sensis and @Whitepages_au have decide our whole block lives at our address. Getting parcels and flowers for neighbours.

    Does anybody know of any Android development user groups in Sydney? Does Google actively foster the community here? cc @nolim1t

    @amygdala Hello! I see you’re listed as organiser for GDG Sydney. Some of my devs are interested. Is it officially Google-supported?

    @nolim1t That’s a good start, thanks. I met one of organisers – @amygdala – at Google Women in IT event recently.

    @drkknits Well, except I’ve never really liked them or thought they worked well. So I’m kinda worried it’s because I’ve been Doing It Wrong!

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    I was a little worried that while I was away my team would’ve learned they didn’t need me. Happily for me, this appears to not be the case.

    @Ezzles Nope, I’m at work! Plan to be home about 6pm.

    @Ezzles I’m in the CBD though, if that works! But I don’t have your candy, gahhhhh

    @Ezzles Whatever’s easiest for you. I’ve got meetings from 9:30-11 tomorrow morning, I think.

    Hahahaha… Apparently some ppl think #knitcamp must have cost the Guild money. Very very proud to say we were under budget and within cost!

    Fingernails are blue. Just realised itā€™s from new jeans. Whoops. Probably all over my legs too.

    @zephyrama Presumably I should wash them alone. Or should I not wash them? Iā€™ve never owned jeans this dark before.

    @zephyrama @KTunravels Ha. Mine are $29 from Old Navy. Definitely not fancy! Probably poisoning me through my legs right now. šŸ™‚

    @drkknits @redambition @RoseRed_Shoes I didnā€™t realise you were serious! I recommend Cat Protection Society. Thatā€™s where we got Amy.

    @drkknits @redambition @RoseRed_Shoes And Iā€™ve volunteered there and given them money. Lovely group.

    @drkknits They have a place in Newtown where you can play with the kitties and let one choose you!

    RT @bonappetit: Memories of flat whites: And more to come! @tobysbrooklyn opening in NYC’s in the Flatiron Monday

    RT @GuardianAus: A loud bell-ding of approval for Australiaā€™s first cyclists party | Gary Nunn

    RT @halcrawford: Great news for the future of digital media in Australia

    @imdominating Seriously. When I re-read the book now, I mostly just skip to the Stu parts. LOVE HIM.

    @bmatt That’s what we use!

    @blakkat I was wondering…

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    @Ezzles We don’t have any plans this week – whatever works for you! THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking care of our silly cats! šŸ™‚

    @Ezzles Amy hasn’t left my side since I came in. šŸ™‚ Petey has only just made an appearance.

    Jet lag grumpiness. Rodd let me take a nap and I think it made it worse.

    @andre_serna I’m weak. I’d never have made it to bedtime otherwise. šŸ™

    Back to work. Wearing skinny jeans and a new perfume. WHO AM I? Itā€™s Kris 2.0.

    @surrenderdotty Light Blue from Dolce & Gabbana. Duty-Free FTW.

    @drkknits Upon Googling, it seems I bought you (and me) the wrong mascara. This is Extreme Volume. WTF, self. I donā€™t even know how it works

    @drkknits The wand is weird. I may look like a clown. Yours will be a gift. šŸ™‚

    @surrenderdotty Itā€™s been around for a while, judging by Wikipedia. Menā€™s version very well reviewed. I just liked it on the day.

    @drkknits Itā€™s a shiny fat mirrored tube. Wand is thick and totally straight.

    @drkknits I suspect this may be the Drag Queen Version. šŸ™‚

    @drkknits Oh yeah, green one on website. I think I didnā€™t notice with goop all over it.

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    @Ezzles Sweet! Weā€™re at the airport – taking off in like 2 hrs! Will you be there when we get home?

    @Ezzles Okay, I have treats for you! Are you coming back that night? I can set you up in guest room.

    @Ezzles Ahhhh, okay, sounds good!!

    @Ezzles Sure, if you like! Rodd leaves for work around 9ish Wednesday, so thatā€™s when weā€™ll lock you out. šŸ™‚

    @Ezzles Perfect. See ya!

    United Lounge = FAIL. No showers, no food. The two things we were counting on!

    Okay, this is the first time a gay dude has chatted up my husband in my actual presence. #novelty

    Okay, dude just used the phrase ā€œseamanship.ā€ TELL ME Iā€™M DREAMINā€™.

    @surrenderdotty He tends to garner more attention than you might otherwise expect. Baristas especially.

    Landed. Home! (@ Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport (SYD) w/ 20 others)

  • Photo post

    We did the Amazing Corn Maze! Mr Snook used SCIENCE to get us through.
    We did the Amazing Corn Maze! Mr Snook used SCIENCE to get us through.