Month: October 2013

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    Next stop: Silicon Valley! (@ Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD) w/ 164 others) [pic]:

    @auspost Followed. It was sent to Kristine Howard c/o Mi9 (my employer).

    Mr Snook ordered an Uber pickup. HELLO VALLEY OF THE NERDS. I AM IN YOU. (at @flysjc w/ 17 others)

    @catehstn Did you come for this GTech conference thing??

    @Ezzles Yikes! They be in the supply closet (first door on the right past kitchen). Don’t think we’ve got any for bedside lights tho.

    @Ezzles I’ll ask @the_snook when he gets up shortly. He’s the Light Bulb Man.

    @lifeasdaddy Cool. I’ve heard of the “Back-to-Back” challenges before in Australia. They also do one that’s raw cotton to a tea towel!

    Interesting. My allergies are going nuts after 8hrs in NorCal, after being fine for 6 days in Indiana.

    @catehstn Rodd’s going to give me a tour of campus today!!!

    @catehstn Where are you staying? We were in GSuite last night, but going to Hotel Strata tonight.

    Checking out of Google Apartment and heading out for a day of Serious Geekery!

    I can cross this one off the Geek Bucket List. (@ Googleplex – 44 w/ 2 others) [pic]:

    Googling it up. @ Googleplex

    @sundress Oh cool! Having lunch at Moma right now!

    @sundress Where do you get a smoothie? And do you know where the ball pit is?

    Buying souvenirs! (@ Googleplex – Google Store) [pic]:

    Android onesie. For @randomknits. 🙂

    Froyo al fresco. Leaving Google and making the next pilgrimage south… 🙂 @ Googleplex – Yoshka’s Café

    A final bit of Google insanity. The seat was HEATED! And no, I didn’t hit the Front Cleansing button.

    THIS is more like it! #iFanGirl (@ Apple Inc. w/ 6 others) [pic]:

    More geeky shopping… (@ Apple Company Store w/ 3 others) [pic]:

    Jet lag is kicking my ass. Time for a rest. (@ Hotel Strata)

    I’ve had my new @QueenBeeInc bag for less than a week, and strangers are already stopping me with compliments.

    @aimee_maree @QueenBeeInc Love them. They made it special for me and got it delivered on time! Great service, and lovely on the phone!

    @randomknits I’m so sorry! Crossing fingers for her from here…

    @surrenderdotty Yeah, I’ve had a couple with my @CamSatchelCo backpack, but I don’t carry it enough. It’s kinda boxy & wide for the bus. 🙁

    @Illdrinn Rodd’s team is moving to that building. He’s excited. 🙂

    @Ezzles How are plants going in heat? Rodd is worried about the lemon tree (the one on the right).

    @Ezzles That’s the lavender he rescued from the rubbish room, so no worries there. 😉 Thanks…

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    400 Zyrtec = $16 in the US. I would have probably paid $300+ for it in Oz. WTF.
    400 Zyrtec = $16 in the US. I would have probably paid $300+ for it in Oz. WTF.

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    RT @craft: WiFi-inspired Sampler: Tumblr user izacless shared this cleverly contemporary take on the traditional sampler……

    @Illdrinn I’m in the Midwest right now… and that doesn’t shock me. Jesus wants you to eat STARCH ON TOP OF STARCH, dammit!

    @auspost No number. It was simply sent via normal post. 🙁

    Breakfast, Amish style. (@ Das Dutchman @Essenhaus) [pic]:

    400 Zyrtec = $16 in the US. I would have probably paid $300+ for it in Oz. WTF.

    I’m told that Google Syd office is installing purchased monorail cars today (as meeting rooms). I’m 50% jealousy, 50% MASSIVE EYE ROLL.

    DMing hipster confessions with @imdominating. I bought skinny jeans yesterday. At Old Navy, no less. *hangs head in shame*

    @imdominating I was THISCLOSE to buying a hot pink plastic Casio digital watch this morning.

    The view that computers are technology but sewing isn’t is a sexist stitch-up

    Thanks to 20min flight delay, I get one more bit of Midwest nostalgia – CHILI’S! (@ Chili’s Too – @hmshost)

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    I ordered the Special Dinner at local Mexican place. This is what they brought. Both plates. BLEURGGHHHH.
    I ordered the Special Dinner at local Mexican place. This is what they brought. Both plates. BLEURGGHHHH.

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    @knitterjp @randomknits @drkknits I threw out my mascara before our trip in case it was infected with conjunctivitis. So I need that. 🙂

    @knitdra @drkknits @randomknits @knitterjp I don’t paint my nails though. No patience for that.

    @Helen__H Okay, crazy coincidence: I’ll be in SF from Tuesday night!

    Only 36 hours left in Indiana. Time for a pilgrimage to South Bend…

    Lunch with Mom! (@ Macri’s Italian Bakery) [pic]:

    @drkknits I didn’t actually go – too much work! But if I see one, I’ll get some. 🙂

    I ordered the Special Dinner at local Mexican place. This is what they brought. Both plates. BLEURGGHHHH.

    @randomknits @auspost I ordered something from Victoria two months ago. Never arrived.

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    RT @hollijwallace: On average, nine women are murdered each week by a gun used by their intimate partner. #StopThe9 #standwithwomen

    This ND game is giving me a heart attack.

    So I have located only Sephora in 40 mile radius. I know it’s a Thing. What should I look for there? (cc @drkknits @randomknits @knitterjp)

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    My Grandma won Grand Champion for her flowers at Corn School!
    My Grandma won Grand Champion for her flowers at Corn School!

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    I’m watching Jamie Durie on US TV, and he’s putting on the most annoying OI CRIKEY OCKER accent I’ve ever heard. What a tool.

    My Grandma won Grand Champion for her flowers at Corn School!

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    The many faces of Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Garberick.
    The many faces of Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Garberick.

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    Grandma and I hit a $333 jackpot at bingo. Seriously. I told you she was a master!

    Visiting the Publishing Company where I used to work! (@ Town of LaGrange – @lagrangein) [pic]:

    The many faces of Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt Garberick.

    My 12yo brother is playing the trumpet. Suddenly understanding why my parents made me practice mine in the closet all those years ago.