Month: November 2013

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    Fun delivery at work today... Too bad it didn't come with any games!
    Fun delivery at work today… Too bad it didn’t come with any games!

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    The upside to crippling stomach pain is you can get in some serious knitting time. #corrugated
    The upside to crippling stomach pain is you can get in some serious knitting time. #corrugated

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    @ozdj That is, indeed, The Shit. (Where’d you get it?)

    @drkknits It’s always the 4th Thursday in November! This week.

    @insertjokehere Ugh. It’s totally gross, but I think one of mine has a thing for ear wax.

    @drkknits Not 100%, but not doubled over in pain. Figure that’s about as good as it’s gonna get right now.

    @drkknits @ozdj I couldn’t find cans at DJ’s this year, so making my own. Steamed pumpkin flesh yesterday!

    The upside to crippling stomach pain is you can get in some serious knitting time. #corrugated

    @KathrynElliott I have tried to learn to love/like/tolerate celery many times. I just can’t. IT’S AWFUL.

    RT @taybenlor: Hey cleaners, I’m holding a cleaning hackathon at my house this weekend. There will be cleaning mentors and lots of cleaning…

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    Vintage sewing class! (@ Sew Make Create) [pic]:

    Achievement unlocked: Full Bust Adjustment! @ Sew Make Create

    Crippling stomach pain and nausea for 36hrs. My first duodenitis flare-up in years. This sucks.

    @zephyrama I’ve tested neg for H.pylori several times. Mine’s due to reflux. Nexium has held it at bay, mostly. 🙁

    @sydmovingguide I did the full turkey dinner our first year. Never again! It’s too darn hot.

    @zephyrama Yep. So what’s this slippery elm? Get from health food store or chemist? I’ll try anything.

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    Achievement unlocked: Full Bust Adjustment!
    Achievement unlocked: Full Bust Adjustment!

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    @drkknits Can you get budget for an assistant? 🙂

    @drkknits I can say hello, order food, and tell people to fuck off in Korean. Does that qualify me as a translator? 🙂

    Hit myself on forehead with ocky strap. Ow.

    @mattallen Unpacking a ute. Forgot to get my head out of recoil zone.

    On our way to @knitdra’s place. Apologies in advance for being late!!

    The birthday girl knitdra with the piñata!

    I helped pull the ribbons to open it up!

    Blowing out the candles!

    @toastman I’m sorry to hear it. We were literally just wondering about this like 15 minutes ago. Hope you’re okay.

    Busy day. Grocery shop, ute to Marrickville to pick up furniture, then Bunnings, over to Wahroonga for @knitdra’s BBQ, & visit Nanny at San!

    @RoseRed_Shoes @randomknits Did they have pumpkin pies??

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    The birthday girl @knitdra with the piñata!
    The birthday girl @knitdra with the piñata!

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    Are you a developer interested in working on the future of TV in Australia? Let me know. We need you at @Mi9! #jumpin

    Dude says woman drinking pint of beer in pub is unattractive & unfeminine. That’ll be news to my husband @the_snook.

    @drkknits If you want to really get annoyed, check out his back and forth with @brittanieshey all day today. She’s doing a good job!

    RT @the_snook: @web_goddess All fair dinkum sheilas drink beer. Mr Insecure Pom there can keep his prissy Grasshopper sippers. // LOVE YOU

    @heathergracious Well, constantly worrying about one’s f*ckability does distract us from pondering income equality, glass ceiling, etc.

    Hats off to @knitabulous – latest issue of @KnitGuildNSW newsletter looks great!

    Fun with some of the Jump-in team (and a couple ringers)! (@ Paju BBQ Korean Restaurant) [pic]:

    @brockleyboyo Ah. He took it down. Must have gotten tired of the response!

    @drkknits YOBOSAYO!

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    Sportscraft have a whole new Liberty line: (paging @randomknits…)

    @drkknits This looks to be the same one: Just with an additional squeeze of lemon at the end! (I used white cauli.)

    @toastman And if you miss it, I suspect it’ll be on Jump-in tomorrow. 🙂

    Waiting for the Snook so we can get our photo with Saint Nick! (@ David Jones)

    I’ve been ELFED!

    @RoseRed_Shoes Well, DJ’s was sad and their Santa not very fat, but they were nice and we didn’t have to queue long. 🙂

    Registered at OfficeWorks to get some photos printed. They sent me my password in plaintext. *facepalm*

    @knitterjp Haha, not quite that bad, thankfully. 🙂

    RT @jchyip: Women Are Passing the Marine Infantry Course. Get Over It. via @slate

    Miss Sharknado last night? You can catch up on @Jump_in!

    @drkknits You can also adopt a koala on her behalf! I’ve done that for my fam the last two years:

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    It’s our 9th wedding anniversary, and Mr Snook sent me lovely flowers!

    @redambition @pixel8ted Sadly, nope! Wedding anniversary dinner 🙂

    Nine years ago today in Vegas! (I married the one on the right.) #sideburns #phwoar

    @StuartCRyan Thanks!

    @redambition Nice! I was sad to miss that one. I’m very tempted by their metallic Oxfords…

    Three Milks dessert (dulce de leche) and salted caramel semifreddo! (@ Ester Restaurant & Bar – @ester_au) [pic]:

    Hipster digestiv. (@ Freda’s) [pic]:

    @LeenaVanD There was one I read in grade school that I lived called The Ordinary Princess.

    @LeenaVanD This is the one: She’s not beautiful! She runs away and gets a job! 🙂

    @stufromoz Haha, not in the slightest!

    @KaelaJael @LeenaVanD I don’t remember the plot well, but I can still recite her 7 names: Amethyst Alexandra Augusta Araminta…

    @KaelaJael @LeenaVanD Adelaide Aurelia Anne! (Some day I’ll name a cat that, I swear.)