Now @tjmcewan is teaching everyone about classes, objects, and methods!
Month: November 2013
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Back to @railsgirlsau for day 2! Gotta earn the shirt… #railsgirlssyd -
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@nolim1t @andrewjgrimm @aimee_maree I’m gonna be there!
@Lackadazy @imdominating @Jezebel I saw RArmitage in Sydney! Theater was full of Women of a Certain Age. I thought they were gonna eat him.
@andrewjgrimm @nolim1t @aimee_maree Eep! It doesn’t start til 6, right?
@nolim1t @andrewjgrimm @aimee_maree Oooooo! Well hello Mr Fancy Pants. 😛
Settling in for @railsgirlsau with @pyko and @nolim1t and lots of others… #railsgirlssyd
And now I have a github account. Watch out, world. #railsgirlssyd
@thetron No way! We got Keith. #railsgirlssyd
I forgot to check in at #railsgirlssyd in Foursquare. Luckily @nolim1t did it for me.
Drunk guy on bus is very entranced by my Google sweatshirt. Trying to ignore him. Now he’s telling me he invented using Google as a verb.
@mudsurfer Nah, Sri Lankan. I left bus as he was telling me that the Howard govt always treated Sri Lanka “fair dinkumly”.
@gilmae I have a vague idea around rewriting my Roald Dahl site to replace old crappy PHP CMS.
RT @tjmcewan: it’s #fridayhug time at @railsgirlsau Sydney! // See if you can spot me!
@pyko I jumped on a bus. Thankfully didn’t get too soaked!
@aimee_maree @nolim1t @andrewjgrimm I overslept. Just catching bus in now…
Back to @railsgirlsau for day 2! Gotta earn the shirt… #railsgirlssyd
Hey @randomknits – so are these Liberty or not? Now I’m leaning towards not.
MT @andrewjgrimm: Got asked about strings vs symbols, hashes vs arrays… #railsgirlssyd // That was me!
RT @mattallen: Coffee for the #railsgirls in Sydney by @lookaheadsearch. That’s us!
Ruby and cupcakes on a Saturday morning…
Ruby and cupcakes on a Saturday morning… // Forgot the hashtag! #railsgirlssyd
Thanks @aemeredith for explaining the various Rails directories! #railsgirlssyd
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@randomknits @RestlessKnitter BLEURGH
@drkknits Rodd and I went there a while back. It was fantastic. The SMH originally described the lamb as “f**king amazing”, and it was.
@drkknits We can go next time you’re in town. Very paleo friendly, in that it’s all about MEAT!
Knitting group! (@ 99 On York)
@randomknits I want to make you some sort of Knitting Geek Merit Badge with that on it.
@railsgirlsau @aemeredith @paulangov Agenda says after party open to everyone. Does that mean my partner can come join us?
RT @railsgirlsau: It is @railsgirls weekend all over Australia, with workshops in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth. It is going to be …
@aimee_maree Did you end up registering for Rails Girls tonight??
Last of the Merlot by Mark Bryan in Space on Art of Mark Bryan
Last of the Merlot by Mark Bryan in Space on Art of Mark Bryan – I kind of love this. What do you say, Snookums? Some more art for the walls?
Mavis Batey -obituary – Telegraph
Mavis Batey -obituary – Telegraph – Amazing story. I learned a bit about Mavis and the Enigma code-breakers when we visited the Computer History Museum last month. I think I might have to name my next computer Mavis.
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I just helped make a difference by supporting Un Ltd #messengerforcha… // Go Haruki and Ed and all the @Mi9 ers!
@pyko Same here. I can’t go to the Shoes of Prey GGD. 🙁
There’s nothing like catching a glimpse of yourself in profile in a photo to bring on a sudden bout of self-loathing.
Installing Ruby on Rails in preparation for @railsgirlsau!
Has somebody hacked the @sydneyfireworks account? Not that I’m disagreeing with the tweets at all. Just threw me for a loop!
@pyko @railsgirlsau Are you going to be a fellow Rails learner, Peggy??
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@chrisgander That’s fine by me. I hate Q&A at those events. Most of ’em are super-nerds who don’t know how to phrase a interesting question!
@chrisgander “Who’d win in a fight between Cersei and Catelyn?” WTF. Waste of a question.
RT @GGDSydney: Shoes of Prey GGD Event, Next Wed 20th Nov – // Wish I could go! It’s our wedding anniversary. 🙂
Actually going to wear heels in the office today. @booyachi will be so proud!
@surrenderdotty @booyachi @StuartCRyan Not stilettos; just chunky heeled sandals. The occasion is the reappearance of the sun. 🙂
@drkknits But… how? They can’t get into your account using just the BSB and account number.
@booyachi @garethrhughes Haha, I have no idea what you’re on about either. 🙂
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Before the talk, skulking in the front row! -
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Beware the white walkers! (Going to see GRRM talk Game of Thrones tonight!)
But first, zombie girl’s eatin’ some barbecue.
White Walker and man of the Night’s Watch takin’ the bus.
I now see the appeal of dressing like a zombie. You literally can’t mess it up.
This place is packed. We appear to be the ONLY people in costume. (@ Sydney Opera House – @sohnews) [pic]:
The Monica Geller side of me thinks this means WE WIN.
I thought that guy was dressed as Jon Snow for a minute, but he’s just a hipster.
Before the talk, skulking in the front row!
There’s GRRM, heading off the stage. Fascinating to listen to!
Tonight I learned: Bran is pronounced like Raisin Bran; Cersei is “Ser-say” not “Ser-see”; and Lena Headey is even more beautiful in person.
@drkknits I told Rodd I was prepared to offer him a look down the cleavage if he’d confirm my theory of Jon Snow’s parentage.
@drkknits Sadly, didn’t get the chance!
I cannot wait to wash this crap out of my hair and off my face!
@gilmae Sister!
@gilmae Except Ned never told her. The only person who knows is Howland Reed. She just thinks he’s Ned’s bastard.
@chrisgander I was hoping for drunk Cersei, but drunk Lena is even more fun!