Month: November 2013

  • Shared today on Instagram

    Shared today on Instagram: I wore my homemade horsey fascinator again. Most of the @mi9 @jump_in team at Melb Cup party today.


  • Shared today on Instagram

    Shared today on Instagram: Me and @SerriLaw at the Melbourne Cup party!


  • Shared today on Instagram

    Shared today on Instagram: Hem length: above the knee? I’m inclined. (But this belt is squeezing my SPLEEN.) Adding sleeves… Nearly finished!


  • Shared today on Instagram

    Shared today on Instagram: First fitting. Hmm. The top is good, but I need some more room in the hips. Goodbye seam allowance…


  • Two straps on a backpack or one strap: What’s cool? – Class of ’95 here, and I definitely one-strapped all the way through high school and college. At some point afterwards though, I switched to two-strapping. Now I feel weird when I don’t have backpack weight evenly distributed!


  • Shared today on Instagram

    Shared today on Instagram: Someone in Chippo rides an army motorbike with a sidecar. Someone AWESOME.
