Beware the white walkers! (Going to see GRRM talk Game of Thrones tonight!)
Month: November 2013
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Homemade country-style BBQ ribs and coleslaw. Hells yeah. (I made it.)
@sean_p_walsh Haha, unfortunately leftovers are destined for dinner tomorrow!
Costco wine and a mustachioed man. Livin’ large!
Recipe for ribs: (cc @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @sean_p_walsh)
RT @brianknolly: Is it ok to kill people on bicycles? In the US, it sure seems that way: (please don’t kill me, than…
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Homemade country-style BBQ ribs and coleslaw. Hells yeah. (I made it.) -
The Norse Mythology Blog: TOLKIEN’S HEATHEN FEMINIST, Part One | Articles & Interviews on Myth & Rel
The Norse Mythology Blog: TOLKIEN’S HEATHEN FEMINIST, Part One | Articles & Interviews on Myth & Relgion – Fascinating blog post on Eowyn, tying her character to Valkyries and other elements of pre-Christian mythology. Very cool, and it made me reconsider Tolkien’s feminist bonafides. Be sure to read through part two, as well as the comments. (And now I need to find an e-book of Iceland’s Eddas saga…)
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Aww, it’s like when they gave Buffy the umbrella! Totally unexpected, and really touching. Thank you…
@drkknits My Kmart stuff seems okay, though it swishes between my legs like George Costanza’s pants.
@halcrawford Yikes! That is why I live in the city and not in the mountains. 🙂
@halcrawford Oh, wait, is that what it is?? We’ve found a couple cicadas in the garden today too. Must be the season!
@randomknits The patterns you gave me inspired me! Think I’ll make a top tomorrow. THANK YOU! (Is that fabric embroidered? Pretty!)
Festival of Scorpio time… without one of the Scorpios! And I’m wearing a new dress and everything!
Fancy dinner with girls. Adorable FRONCH waiters, rock oysters, steak frites, wine, all of it. Lovely!
@drkknits Dude, I have like a KILO in my freezer. I can hook you up whenever you want.
@drkknits The powder! I found it in huge bags. Mom and Grandma said freezer is best place to store it. 🙂
RT @alisoncroggon: Tolkien’s heathen feminist: HT @Loerwyn // Excellent post; Eowyn as Valkyrie!
@randomknits Hahahahahaha
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Aww, it’s like when they gave Buffy the umbrella! Totally unexpected, and really touching. Thank you guys. -
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Nine revamps catch-up TV with Jump-In // This is the project I’ve been working on at @Mi9!!
RT @bendurbubble: @surrenderdotty
Contemplating new sandals… @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes They’re classy! The pair:
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits These tick all my boxes. Done! I’ll wear em tomorrow. 🙂
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits I thought the engineer was doing mini cupcakes (with the mother effing toppers)?
Wow. Pigeonhole at Central Park may be the most hipster store in Sydney. Paging @drkknits…
Oh. Huh. The Cat Protection Society is having an Open Day tomorrow. *COUGH* @drkknits *COUGH*
Stephen West shares a tutorial to make… “Swants.” I’m still speechless. Is it a joke? Or genius? Or both? #swants
@garethrhughes Congrats!
@sebastianparis @jennjenn83 Well, it is FREE! 😛
Nine revamps Catch Up TV with Jump-In
Nine revamps Catch Up TV with Jump-In – Woohoo! This is what I’ve been working on at work for four months. We’re starting to get some attention…
Ester, Chippendale | Grab Your Fork: A Sydney food blog
Ester, Chippendale | Grab Your Fork: A Sydney food blog – Our anniversary is coming up, so I asked the Snook where he wanted to go for dinner. “Maybe somewhere new or trendy?” So I went with the tried-and-true formula: look through Terry Durack’s latest reviews. Every place he rates is either taking off or just about to. So I booked us in at Ester, which has the added benefit of being in our very own neighbourhood of Chippo. And lo and behold two days later, Grab Your Fork has posted her review. This seals it. Now I really can’t wait to go!