not martha – Washington Outdoor Women’s Weekend – This sounds fun. I wonder if there’s anything like it in Australia. (Though I suspect I would also have difficulty with the sleeping bit.)
Month: November 2013
‘Ender’s Game,’ its controversial author, and a very personal history – Grantland
‘Ender’s Game,’ its controversial author, and a very personal history – Grantland – I still haven’t decided if I’m going to buy a ticket, boycott, or cheat and protest by downloading. I suppose it’s all moot, in that I suggested my Mom buy my little brother Joey the original book recently. I should have given him mine.
Laurie Anderson’s Farewell to Lou Reed | Music News | Rolling Stone
Laurie Anderson’s Farewell to Lou Reed | Music News | Rolling Stone – Whoa. I saw them altogether a few years ago at Sydney’s Vivid Festival, which they programmed that year. The end of this piece made me cry.
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@imdominating And it’s highly unlikely work would ever spin off a new business and name it after your Mom. Ahem.
Awww! One of the guys on my team just gave me a Woo!
@sharonw I do! Let me introduce you to @venks79. 🙂
@sharonw Oh wait. @venks79 is Yahoo AU, if that matters.
Never tell a Googler you’ve had a hectic day, as they’ll invariably say that they’ve been playing games for an hour. And you’ll feel worse.
First mango of the season. Damn. So good.
Just completed a 3.77 km walk – National Walk to Work Day! #RunKeeper
@sharonw Separate company, really.
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@JamesCoyne We did that. It was awesome. Had the whole shebang with Elvis broadcast live on the Internet. Highly recommended.
@JamesCoyne And then use the money saved to throw a big-ass party back in Australia when you get home!
@JamesCoyne Be sure to get the “a la carte” option so you can get exactly what you want. The photographer was fun.
RT @Channel9: .@Jump_in to the new home of catch up TV! From #BBAU to #BigBangTheory, YOU will be rewarded with the latest eps!…
@drkknits It works! Are you going to knit it? 🙂
@randomknits Just in time. I bet they’ll have giant pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving. They did last year!
Hey, I recognise that derp! Just spotted @clepetit outside the Apple Store from a passing bus…
@JennaPrice I use Toodledo! Love it. Website, apps, etc.
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@drkknits @randomknits Don’t say that shit publicly! I just emailed five people to try to convince them to volunteer for Inner City. 🙂
Me and @SerriLaw at the Melbourne Cup party! @ Australia Square
Every time I see an L38 bus now, I hear Admiral Ackbar: IT’S A TRAP! (They don’t stop at Broadway. Ask me how I know.)
Most of the mi9 jump_in team at Melb Cup party today. @ Australia Square
I wore my homemade horsey fascinator again.
@mmastertheone But they pick up there in the morning. They just don’t set down there at night. Tricksy!
Photo post
Most of the @mi9 @jump_in team at Melb Cup party today. -
Photo post
Me and @SerriLaw at the Melbourne Cup party! -
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@drkknits Could have a look, stay the night, and take one home Sunday?
Wow. Shrink ray hit @tobysestate beans. Bags went from 250g to 200g. That’s kind of annoying.
Belt or no belt? No belt is more comfy.
Thanks everyone! I’ve gone no belt for now, but stuffed it in my bag so I’ve got the option. 🙂
@RoseRed_Shoes The skinny one didn’t look great. I think I need some belt loops to keep it in place.
@RoseRed_Shoes I have a giant flower with little horses in it (the one I made last year) also in my bag. 🙂
@redambition I think the dress might need to be a little more fitted for that, as it ends up bunching around the belt.
Half the guys on the team wore suits, the other half did not. We’re teasing the latter.
@messicat Photo and location? I’m looking for some nice summer sandals.
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First fitting. Hmm. The top is good, but I need some more room in the hips. Goodbye seam allowance…
@RoseRed_Shoes I got it at Frabric-a-Brac last year. No idea what it is other than cotton, but it seemed right for 1973 pattern!
Adding sleeves… Nearly finished!
The annoying thing is, I think this may be technically the best garment I’ve sewn. No bodges so far! But I worry it might be ugly?
It’s that center front seam, I think. It’s just so obviously from a different style era. I think I just can’t get past it.
@zephyrama A gift from my step-mom. Published 1973!
@drkknits @randomknits It’s a skimming a-line, but my pot belly sticks way out and ruins shape. I think Spanx may need to be deployed.
@zephyrama The accompanying leaflet on how to disguise your chubbiness is a hoot too. 🙂
@zephyrama I’ll blog it when I’m done.
Hem length: above the knee? I’m inclined. (But this belt is squeezing my SPLEEN.)
@drkknits Rodd said any shorter and I’m into Austin Powers territory.
@RoseRed_Shoes I have a thin black belt too, which looks more modern. We’ll have to have styling discussion tomorrow. 🙂
@knitterjp @drkknits Haha! Too bad; you’re gonna have to look at it Tuesday for Melb Cup work party!
@drkknits When you come to Sydney on Saturday, you could go play with some.