Month: January 2014

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    @MissVicki79 Helllooooo! ๐Ÿ™‚

    You stay classy, Brisbane. @ Brisbane

    We were here for a good 10 minutes before we noticed the HUGE DRAGON behind us. @ QAG Cafe

    Mid-century SWOON. @ Queensland Art Gallery

    Californian hipster dreaming… #caldesigncomp @qagoma @ Queensland Art Gallery

    “The most atmospheric cafe in Brisbane.” #sideeye (@ Three Monkeys Coffee & Tea House)

    Lots of Aussie beers on tap here! @ Archive Beer Boutique

    Spotted my first Queenslander (house) today!

    Jam jar full of Dark & Stormy for $10 = WINNING. (@ Platform Bar w/ 2 others) [pic]:

    Hipster underground Italian restaurant and cider house. Like Frankie’s Pizza in Sydney, except not shit! (@ Verve)

    @twelveeyes It was very good, but it also made me want to replace all our perfectly usable furniture with expensive vintage.

    Confession: Iโ€™m surprised by how much Iโ€™m liking Brisbane. You all made it sound crappy! I could totally live here. Whatโ€™s not to like?

    @drwitty_knitter @SandraHW Haha, she commented on FB. Think we lucked out with weather and bogans so far. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @randomknits And thatโ€™s why @lemon_lime built us online renewal!

    My other favourites from the qa goma Californian living exhibit today.

    @unlikelylibrary Wow. Also, I would probably try those Oreos. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    Spotted my first Queenslander (house) today!
    Spotted my first Queenslander (house) today!

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    Californian hipster dreaming... #caldesigncomp @qagoma
    Californian hipster dreaming… #caldesigncomp @qagoma

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    You stay classy, Brisbane.
    You stay classy, Brisbane.

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    @pixel8ted @RadhikaR Yep, me and @knitterjp. What’s up?

    I answered EXTREME for all the last questions. ๐Ÿ™ @ Sydney Physiotherapy

    Nothing says capable, mature adult like welcoming your partner home with a hysterical crying jag.

    @BendalongMorgan Nah. Just frustration from chronic knee pain and an unsympathetic doctor.

    @unlikelylibrary Thanks. It’s gonna improve. We’re heading to Brisvegas tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Congrats to the @Jump_in team on launching our third show site!

    Heading to Brisvegas! (@ Gate 32 (T2 Multi-User Domestic))

    Landed. It’s grey and depressing here so far. (@ Virgin Australia Terminal)

    @drwitty_knitter Play! We made a special trip to see this: Very #hipster, I know. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    I answered EXTREME for all the last questions. :(
    I answered EXTREME for all the last questions. ๐Ÿ™

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    Thereโ€™s nothing like watching your team deploy from your mobile phone! The Big Bang Theory site now live on @Jump_in:

    @thisismywww Or itโ€™s because of the major accident in the CBD?

    @knitterjp ORANGE! Itโ€™s the lairiest.

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    Homemade Summer Pudding and vanilla ice cream. #bliss
    Homemade Summer Pudding and vanilla ice cream. #bliss

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    @fridley @chrisgander @servantofchaos Not a cafe. Just google it. You have to make yourself. Long black + grass fed butter + coconut oil.

    That feeling when you find out an award you were proud of and thankful for is being complained about by people you thought supported you. ๐Ÿ™

    Fast day is making me passive-aggressive, it seems.

    @bron2042 Haha, not eating. Doing 5:2 intermittent fasting. (I WISH it were going faster!)

    @randomknits Thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚ Just having a busy hectic day and needed a whinge.

    @gilmae Ha! That may rank up there with one of the best compliments I’ve ever received. Well, I choose to take it as a compliment. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @bron2042 I experimented with it a bit last year. Mine’s slightly modified: just going from dinner-to-dinner with minimal food.

    @bron2042 It’s most useful for helping me calibrate my hunger. I have a tendency to think I’m hungry when I’m not.

    @bron2042 I think this a day when I’d reach to food to cheer me up. Knowing I can’t is what makes it annoying.

    Can I be at work til 10pm two days in a row? Only time will tell!

    @drkknits The sad thing is that there’s a homemade summer pudding and ice cream at home right now in my fridge!

    @miss_reecie I’m not seeing a lot of progress on your 121 here. Don’t leave me hanging. WE’RE LIKE BATMAN AND THE JOKER.

    @drwitty_knitter @Yarna_ @randomknits Just feeling a little sorry for myself. But youโ€™ve all cheered me, so I promise to HTFU. ๐Ÿ™‚

    RT @TheBlock9: Check out an EXCLUSIVE first look at TONIGHT’S new Couples, @PascaleAndChris and @ChantelleSteve:! #Tโ€ฆ

    @Yarna_ @drkknits Either of you seen Wolf of Wall Street? Was thinking of watching that. Itโ€™s long though.

    @drwitty_knitter You just taught me a new Australian phrase! Been here 12 years and never heard that one before.

    @Yarna_ @drkknits @smark31 I am strangely fascinated by J.Lawโ€™s boobs on the poster. Can it live up to that?

    Homemade Summer Pudding and vanilla ice cream. #bliss

    Another couple motifs finished!

    @drkknits @Yarna_ I went with Bill Cunningham New York. It was lovely. I bet @smark31 has seen that one tooโ€ฆ

    Stress dreams: I spent all night frantically studying for a final exam for a class I never attended. #hermione

    @ImagiNERDtive I held that newborn in my arms. o_O

    @randomknits Your fears are clearly more epic. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @randomknits When I was younger, I had actual nightmares about getting married. My fears are mundane.

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    At work with the @Mi9 @Jump_in team, getting ready the #TheBlock9 premiere! Don’t forget to check out the new site:

    @drkknits BINGLE?!

    @richbuggy A better bug report would include: your browser, your OS, whether you have AdBlock installed, etc. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @richbuggy Oh good. Then we’ll be looking at it. Let me know if you’re willing to run through some debugging tests later.

    @knitterjp You are flying!