40% off VIP sale! Woohoo! (@ The Fabric Store) http://t.co/X4D43d5UVj
Do you want to build a snowmaaaaaan? (at @eVent_Cinemas w/ 6 others) [pic]: http://t.co/QNeAoM97VD
@drkknits @knitterjp Such a cutie!
40% off VIP sale! Woohoo! (@ The Fabric Store) http://t.co/X4D43d5UVj
Do you want to build a snowmaaaaaan? (at @eVent_Cinemas w/ 6 others) [pic]: http://t.co/QNeAoM97VD
@drkknits @knitterjp Such a cutie!
RT @GGDSydney: Details of SheHacks – Girl Geek Sydney’s first Hackathon event are up! Registration coming soon. http://t.co/76SOUctOSN
@liftapp I got my 7 and 14 day #quantdiet survey links one day apart! Don’t think that’s quite right…
@imdominating I’ve already got Mom setup on PP, so I went with her. But if I need something in the future, I’ll let you know 🙂
@drkknits @wombat1974 We used them on our last trip. It wasn’t bad at all! I was apprehensive, but it was fine.
@booyachi @garethrhughes Who’s shooting you?!
@drkknits @wombat1974 Actually, good point. I felt crammed in there, hipwise. I remember discomfort. They are narrow. 🙁
Boo to @woolworths Town Hall, who told me on phone they had @sodastreamau swap bottles, but when I got to shop, didn’t. FAIL.
Hooray for lovely Jason at @Myer_MyStore George St, who allowed me to exchange 40L @sodastreamau bottles for 60L. Will return in future.
@drkknits HALT! Rodd says our int’l flight was AirNZ. He says Googlers say United to SFO in economy is MUST AVOID.
@drkknits He says our United flight was domestic, which is very diff. Int’l United has old planes, no in-seat ent, etc. Bus class is okay.
@drkknits He also doesn’t think they have Economy Plus, though he may be wrong there. (Googlers love travel-hacking, I guess.)
@drkknits Well I wouldn’t, but that’s only because I have no idea what that means. 🙂
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes GODDAMNIT!
@thetron Myer in the CBD still has a few, or at least they did tonight…
RT @GGDSydney: Totally cute @github stickers just arrived for SheHacks hackathon attendees! http://t.co/yhges6rxTf // Super cute!
There was a grocery store shooting in Indiana yesterday. One town over from where my family live. 3 ppl dead. http://t.co/EW0gpHHU1u
Semi-automatic handgun. Most responses seem to be people saying this makes them more likely to carry guns themselves. No words.
@KaH_was_taken When do you reckon they’ll sell out? I could head over on my lunch break!
@KaH_was_taken I’ve seen her on her previous 3 trips, so I was going to miss this one. But cheap tickets are too good to pass up!
Brisbanites! Need recommendations for place to stay, bars and restaurants to check out. Criteria: smug hipster. Suggestions?
According to Sew Make Create’s FB feed, The Fabric Store is having a 40% off sale this week. Can anybody confirm?? @knitterjp @randomknits
@betsybookworm Fun! We’re going to this (http://t.co/1zFhJV21Lq) on Feb 1, I think. All we’ve got so far are plane tickets.
@betsybookworm I’ve never been before, so just looking for recommendations for can’t miss stuff. Thinking maybe a fancy dinner Sat night!
@knitterjp @randomknits We’re organising a lunchtime trip for the end of the week. 🙂
@pixel8ted @KaH_was_taken AHA! Now I know the rules. Sold each day 12-2:30 for shows that night. So it’s a matter of luck!
Train derailment and bus broken down on Harbour Bridge. Feeling very happy I live close enough to walk to work!
I have lost my Chibi and my Folca. This is very distressing.
@redambition Rearranged and purged the craft room… and I fear they may have been Thrown Out. Kicking myself.
@knitterjp Nope. And I have ends to weave in, and no darning needles! Can you bring one tomorrow for me to borrow?
@knitterjp Thanks!
@redambition I feel like I saw them both very recently. Yet they’ve disappeared. It’s a mystery.
@redambition Maybe the Snook is gas lighting me…
@drkknits I know. My empty blue Folca sits mocking me. WHERE IS ORANGE FOLCA, it accuses.
@redambition I stopped looking 3 days ago, hoping the wormhole would belch them up tonight. Nope. 🙁
Maybe Petey is stealing my stuff and hiding it in a heating duct, like Annie’s Boobs.
We don’t have heating ducts. 🙁
@ImagiNERDtive It’s okay, I’ve got a spare myself. But thank you! More annoyed at losing some special stitch markers inside. 🙁
SONOFA. Need to switch back to Asics shoes. Just discovered Amazon no longer ships them to Australia. They’re $60 more here.
@imdominating I just emailed my Mom. But you’re willing/able?
@betsybookworm So it was a premium SMS? You have to opt-in for those. Did you check a box or something when you booked it?
@BriWrites Wow, that Federer thing is fascinating!
Very tempted to buy Darling Ranges dress pattern. http://t.co/4SRyB0Y2Z8 Whaddaya think, @randomknits?
Awake and going to 7am yoga. BOOYAH.
Two weeks of work stress just about to kick off. The yoga helped a little.
@imdominating Sheena was a man? Ah, when transphobia was a punch line in rap songs. 🙂
@lemon_lime I would’ve expected that. Sadly those people probably still vote for anti-gay candidates, but at least privately they support.
@randomknits WOOHOO! You deserve dancing AND A CAKE!
@imdominating Wait, wait. You dated him BECAUSE he looked like Sam Gamgee? I always thought that was an “in spite of”!
@imdominating Mikey, sure. Possibly even Rudy. But not Samwise, surely!
Did I just get spam from @gleebooks? I don’t remember signing up for any list associated with @PhysicalTV.
@carlfish Jealous. This piece of crap is not satisfactorily clicky AT ALL.
Walked all the way to Victoria Park Pool. And now for the scary bit – actually going out there and swimming.
@drkknits @knitterjp Ha! Just a super short 25min. I am so unfit. Can’t quite do a full 50m without having to catch breath!
@drkknits @knitterjp But ya gotta start somewhere… right? 🙂
@knitterjp @drkknits I was actually glad when I realised it was 50m! Not being able to do 25m would have gutted me.
@drkknits @knitterjp Need to replace goggles and cap. Kept fiddling with my old ones, which didn’t help.
@knitterjp @drkknits I was thinking about that conversation the whole time! My nose bridge so small I have it tight, and end pokes me.
@drkknits @knitterjp And I was definitely NOT trying to be Hermione! This is one area where I’m a total Neville. 🙂
@knitterjp @drkknits But on the plus side… It was kinda fun! And I got in the pool and splashed about & nobody laughed at me or anything!
@knitterjp @drkknits Haha, I was too chicken to even venture in slow lane! I went in “Free Play”. Only a couple others there.
@knitterjp @drkknits Ooh! Walking would be good. I thought about that, but VP Pool is very deep at one end and shallow at other.
Sophie is reading Game of Thrones and sending me insane SMS at every revelation. Reminds me when I did that with @drkknits!
Just got an email about cancellation of Tuesday Adult Autism Social Group in Aberdeen. *blink* Okay, universe, VERY FUNNY.
Thanks to @drwitty_knitter and @SandraHW for being our first official guests in our garden!
In distinct danger of not hitting my step goal for the first time this year! Time for a post-prandial stroll.
@randomknits Is that like an A? Hermione congratulates you! 🙂
@randomknits Still pretty damn good!
@randomknits making the t-shirt?
@randomknits Ah, I’ve looked at their stuff but nothing really suits me. It’s all a bit floaty and unstructured. I need containment. 🙂
@drkknits You are doing an awful lot of tweeting for someone who is ostensibly “back at work”. 🙂
@unlikelylibrary HAR HAR. My screen door is fine! It’s not a debacle! It’s just not done yet! 🙂
Warehouse sale! (@ Peters of Kensington Warehouse) http://t.co/9sdaZHZZYm
First visit since remodel. Wow! Meat heaven. (@ Meat Emporium) http://t.co/an890Sl1g2
@unlikelylibrary Rodd laughed. “So Kristy and the Screen Door is now a legend, huh?” VERY FUNNY.
@unlikelylibrary Actually his Dad said it’ll work out fine, told us what we need to tell builder. Yay!
@drkknits Revival of the dormant sewing hobby? 🙂
@randomknits Haha, understatement of the frickin’ year!
@randomknits That sucks. Where’d you end up going? The Aussie Youth Hotel near Broadway does a pretty damn good burger.
Went to three different shops at Broadway Shopping Center and ALL of them are sold out of @sodastreamau gas bottles! GAH.
Dr. Worm is making pastry for our guests tomorrow. 🙂 http://t.co/2McQEK0u9c
@drwitty_knitter Smoked chicken, salad, roast beets, and Mary Berry’s Tart Citron! Sound okay? 🙂
This made us laugh and laugh. http://t.co/PgIIchTsiQ
@drkknits Ha. We were watching that tonight. Returning from whence we came, as it were.
RT @adrianbritton: Sorry, Google+, We Still Won’t Come to Your Party http://t.co/RBT9FeLnUv // I agree with just about all of this.
RT @scrumology: Placing Rules on Self-Organizing Teams http://t.co/9Xw8EU757i #Scrum #Agile
My Mother’s Lover – Lovely, true, amazingly human longform journalism piece about families, war, love, and owning your own scars. I teared up at the end. Recommended.
Dr. Worm is making pastry for our guests tomorrow. 🙂