Month: January 2014

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    Massive US foods hamper marked down at DJ’s to $38! Thanks to gadgetgirl70 for the tip. 🙂

    @web_goddess Given that I’ve paid $16 in the past for just the (included) can of pumpkin pie mix, a really good deal!

    The DJ’s hamper is this, for the curious! (@drwitty_knitter @pransellknit)

    @Opheli8 Hahahahaha. Tweetdeck fail. Meant to be a reply. 🙂

    @unlikelylibrary Oh crap, just realised you changed your Twitter name. Durrr. (And Instagram didn’t link it anyway. BAH.)

    Holy crap. I’m within spitting distance of @clepetit on my Fitbit friends ranking board! I wonder if he broke his legs or something?

    @clepetit I’ve hit my goal (just 8K) every day this year so far! Of course, my Achilles is killing me so I’ll probably collapse soon.

    @unlikelylibrary Gorgeous! Also, an effective weapon by the looks of it.

    Every night when I take my Nexium, I think: “ZOMG.”

    @handmethepanda Yep. Like 5 years so far now. I wish there was a generic available. I’d pay off the mortgage a year faster!

    @handmethepanda Oooh, good find! I hope so…

    @randomknits @handmethepanda Every place I’ve found in Sydney is nearly $1 a pill for it. 🙁

    @garethrhughes Commits or it didn’t happen.

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    Every night when I take my Nexium, I think: "ZOMG."
    Every night when I take my Nexium, I think: "ZOMG."

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    Massive US foods hamper marked down at DJ's to $38! Thanks to @gadgetgirl70 for the tip. :)
    Massive US foods hamper marked down at DJ’s to $38! Thanks to @gadgetgirl70 for the tip. 🙂

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    @RoseRed_Shoes Dammit! I read that one this morning and thought: DON’T TELL ANYBODY OR IT’LL BE EVEN MORE BUSY.

    @chrisgander Hey! So judging by your FB posts – did you and Kez get back together??

    @pixel8ted I had one last January but I don’t think it cost me that much??

    @pixel8ted I just checked. I paid $570, but Medicare paid back $320. So out of pocket $250 in total.

    @pixel8ted Specialist Magnetic Resonance Imaging at RPAH.

    @pixel8ted Ooh, I seem to recall that that were only a couple places that did Medicare, and I had to wait a while for an appt.

    @pixel8ted My referral was from sports physician, not my normal GP. Not sure if that makes any difference.

    @garethrhughes @daphnechong GODDAMN YOU GUYS.

    @pixel8ted My sports phys was at Sydney Uni Sports Clinic. Referral was just for Castlereagh Imaging. Had lots of offices to choose from.

    @miss_reecie By “quilt”, you meant “caftan”, right? 🙂

    @garethrhughes @daphnechong I just ate my lunch, and that still made me drool.

    @unlikelylibrary I was about to say: they got it wrong! It was a girl! And then read that this was ANOTHER idiot.

    @chrisgander Oh yay! I had hoped that was the case. She seems awesome; hope to meet her someday. 🙂

    RT @annaspargoryan: What I celebrate isn’t being pro-choice, but being pro-it’s-just-none-of-your-fucking-business.

    Very excited and grateful for a lovely surprise from @drwitty_knitter and @SandraHW! Now to clean out the sewing room…

    Hoping all my family and friends in Indiana are staying warm!

    Just ordered some awesome new shirts from @stringsofcolour. Geek fashion win!

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    Testing out @ynab as a replacement for @MoneyWell. (Mr Snook has an Android now.) So far so good!

    @Gin_ev_ra The one at ground floor in the shopping center? Don’t have it now and staff don’t recognise it. 🙁

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    @drwitty_knitter Very cool!

    Auntie Linda had this cool Vintage Made mag. Know where to get in Sydney? @Bex_the_Femme @randomknits @ImagiNERDtive

    @ImagiNERDtive @Bex_the_Femme @randomknits I found this site:

    Hawaiian Negroni. Hipster alert! This is the second shirt I’ve made for the Snook using @ColettePatterns Negroni…

    @unlikelylibrary Whaaat? Photos!

    He built me a bike shed, so I bought him a beer. @ The Broadway Lounge

    @drkknits I’m making fish too! We are psychic cave women.

    RT @newscomauHQ: IN the most Australian moment ever, Hawkie has skolled a beer in front of dozens of people dressed as Richie Benaud http:/…

    @drkknits Just getting ready to start. I’m making this:

    @drkknits It was quite good! Ate so quick we forgot to take a picture.

    @drkknits Nope, no corn. Just what’s in the recipe!

    @randomknits GAHHH. Just realised that my feed reader has your old RSS address. I’m like, DONNA HAS BEEN BLOGGING? I WAS UNAWARE OF THIS.

    @randomknits Well thankfully, the error has now been corrected! Carry on. 🙂

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    He built me a bike shed, so I bought him a beer.
    He built me a bike shed, so I bought him a beer.

  • Hawaiian Negroni

    Hawaiian NegroniHipster alert! This is the second shirt I’ve made for the Snook using Colette Patterns’ Negroni. I actually modded the pattern a little bit based on some of his purchased Hawaiian shirts. I only put on one pocket, and I didn’t bother with the pocket flap. I also straightened the side seams and bottom hem for a boxier, more casual cut. I bought the fabric last year in Honolulu at Hawaii Fabric Mart (who I highly recommend!). The coconut buttons are from All Buttons Great and Small. I’m pretty happy with how this turned out!

    Some close-ups of details:




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    @catehstn So did you MOVE move away? How did I not know this?!

    @drkknits and her amazing new Rothko quilt, courtesy of Jane!

    Lunching with the ladies. (@ Sky Phoenix w/ 2 others)

    @drkknits @smark31 @RoseRed_Shoes @knitdra

    @blakkat Wozniak?? Wow!

    @justasitsounds Haha, “research.” 🙂

    @justasitsounds I got my sister and BIL Ron Swanson’s book for Christmas. (Actor really does all that woodwork!)

    Third day in a row of hitting my 8K step target!

    @justasitsounds Not really. It’s kind of accidental. But now I feel like I’m obliged to see how far I can go!

    Getting dressed before heading to GoT Burlesque (Game of Boobs, I’ve been calling it): Bring on the Sexy Others!

    I bought a new dress today!

    @catehstn I thought you were just going for a visit!

    @kcIMT122 Ha, I have a Spirograph set in the shelf in my living room! They still make it. 🙂

    @miss_reecie I think I probably have even less. 🙁

    .@kcIMT122 Spirograph!!

    @miss_reecie HAHAHA, I forgot about the friggin’ caftan. You get -25pts for even saying you’d attempt it!

    Game of Boobs! The Snook isn’t sure where he falls on the Lannister-Stark continuum… (@ The Vanguard) [pic]:

    Cocktails! Mine is “Ice and Fire,” Rodd’s is “Taking the Black.” @ The Vanguard

    @colespitz Is that the Colette pattern?

    @drkknits Not really. It’s been around for a while now.

    Holy shit. Sexiest bit so far was actually shirtless Robb Stark (with Grey Wind’s head) tapping and Irish jigging. I’m not kidding.

    @drkknits On his head. He wore leather pants and a sword belt. It was disturbingly hot. YOU NEED TO SEE THIS SHOW.

    Also, the Hound was this boobalicious chick who could move her buttocks independently and was giving me major eye contact. Ahem.

    @sassthat @laimelde Where are you? We’re at table just to left of stage. My husband is wearing a red Hawaiian shirt!

    The problem, says the Snook, is that they didn’t really have stripper pants in Westeros. #lacesareinefficient

    Varys and Littlefinger are SPOT ON as emcees, by the way.

    @mattallen Yep! I was like the only person in costume. White Walker in the front row. 🙂

    @drkknits @lemon_lime OHMAGOD. Jon Snow. Is either a professional ballet dancer or gymnast. Holy shit.

    @drkknits @lemon_lime I’m serious; you guys should go! It’s been extended into February. 🙂

    Non-spoiler highlights of 2nd act: Joffrey(!), Melisandre(!!), Jon Snow and Ygritte(!!!), White Walker(!!!!!!!!!!!! #nightmarefuel)

    Only act I can’t quite sign off on: Brienne. It was sexy, sure, but so not the character. I get what they were going for, but no.

    Overall I’d say Game of Thrones burlesque was better show than Star Wars version. Awesome costumes, great dancers, humour, DUDES, music, etc

    @jojoconstance They’re like ON THE MOVE this week or something. Heat maybe?

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    I bought a new dress today!
    I bought a new dress today!