@drkknits and her amazing new Rothko quilt, courtesy of Jane!
Month: January 2014
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Photo post
The automatic buttonholer is, in fact, the coolest thing since sliced bread. -
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Just took delivery of our new Bike Box (http://t.co/eTcECyJSW4) from @garden_storage. Now just have to put it together!
@mattallen The importer Sam is very friendly and helpful. Hopefully it won’t be too difficult to put together…
@that_alison I know – spent like a year looking though and couldn’t find anything similar!
Xrays for both knees. Stupid knees. (@ Alfred Medical Imaging) http://t.co/8VxhIA8lzs
@drwitty_knitter Doctor’s office taking way longer than expected. Still hoping to be out soon, but we’ll see…
@knitterjp @drwitty_knitter I’m screaming like Elaine in my head. Every single other person has been in!
Coconut buttons procured! (@ All Buttons Great And Small) http://t.co/HjvfPMmwD4
And I had a lovely coffee catchup with @drwitty_knitter and @SandraHW. Thanks ladies!
Thus endeth my running career. On to swimming! (@ Victoria Park Swimming Pool) [pic]: http://t.co/lz0dzr2pJ3
@unlikelylibrary Chex Mix? NOM NOM NOM.
@toastman @misswired @stibbons @the_snook HAHA! Did you know, he made me watch frickin’ Cosmos on Sunday night? So trippy my brain fell out.
The automatic buttonholer is, in fact, the coolest thing since sliced bread. http://t.co/XEZGSef7Yl
@randomknits Do you put “fray stop” on yours? I’ve seen that recommended.
One last teaser shot to highlight the coconut buttons! http://t.co/1NCeGOEJht
HOLY EFFING SHIT. Just had the most massive Huntsman in our bedroom on the goddamn wall. I saw him crawling out of the corner of my eye.
I woke up Rodd beside me. He kept into action. And then he got scared. And him getting scared got me scared.
We both armed ourselves with towels. Then Rodd hit him with fly spray, which REALLY pissed him off. He came flying across the floor at us.
We both jumped & screamed & flailed with our towels. I hit him twice before he curled up. Rodd plunked down a glass. http://t.co/hruVol49F1
And now I’m not going to sleep. Ever.
Abs & Stretch class. I felt like a bulgy, sweaty, stiff, red-faced mess! (@ Victoria Park Swimming Pool) http://t.co/7IpuWKQ8V1
RT @imdominating: Disappointing, but sadly not surprising http://t.co/OMd0AMPy6R
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@jenwburn That’s the one!
RT @jenwburn: @web_goddess Would that be James? http://t.co/vWlATSFLRa // Behold the Pig of Redfern!
Time for the Hobbit. Newtown seems nicely quiet. (@ Dendy Cinemas – @dendysydney) http://t.co/GfCMiDoo41
Hey @DendySydney – movie in Newtown cinema 3 is now 10+ minutes late in starting! No trailers or anything…
Just received post from @energyaustralia claiming to be supplying us energy. We are with @aglenergy and have not requested transfer!
Seems @energyaustralia think A Alsaiery lives at our address. S/he definitely does not! What a mess. Don’t they check addresses? @aglenergy
@carlfish I heard them too! We’re not even near the harbour. Scares the crap out of my cats.
@imdominating @drkknits Ahem. ONESIES HAVE THESE SAME BENEFITS.
@EnergyAustralia Thanks Finn. I will.
@randomknits It’s so little and cute!
@drwitty_knitter Are you going over there today? Perhaps we could meet up in Newtown!
@drwitty_knitter I was hoping to go today so I could finish the shirt so Rodd could wear it tomorrow 🙂
@drwitty_knitter I’ve got a delivery man coming between 11-12 today, so I’ll go over this afternoon
@drwitty_knitter Sounds great! I’ll see you there then 🙂