@toastman Was it menulog?
@drkknits I usually do pork shoulder. But I am not a Southerner, so they may think differently.
@toastman Was it menulog?
@drkknits I usually do pork shoulder. But I am not a Southerner, so they may think differently.
RT @ABC7Chicago: BREAKING: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer VETOES SB 1062, which would have allowed business to deny service to LGBTQ individuals.
RT @GovBrewer: Moments ago, I vetoed #SB1062. http://t.co/gdQn0dG2vB
SydJS! (at @Atlassian w/ @nolim1t) http://t.co/3sedr0zHfg
Geeky selfie at SydJS with Varun, @allanwaddell, and @twalve! http://t.co/kMLISeNAty
@CatRapture 5, including @lucykbain and @pyko!
@CatRapture @lucykbain @pyko Next one is March 20. Organiser @twalve said he’d publicise SheHacks!
RT @lucykbain: There’s a BUNCH of stuff happening in Sydney tech – check out the calendar (thanks @Angie_Gove!) http://t.co/sqiTh9HXXR Msg …
@rowdyrabbit @CatRapture @lucykbain @pyko Pretty cool! Lots of audience questions and participation. Good crowd too.
@CatRapture Do we need mentors? A couple guys have asked me about it.
@CatRapture Haha, hell yeah!!
@drwitty_knitter Seething with jealousy on a packed bus in the rain…
Geeky selfie at SydJS with Varun, Allan, and Sharkie.
SOCHI 2014 – Speed Skating Double Dash Final – YouTube – This just made me laugh out loud over breakfast.
@twalve I just booked in for my first ever SydJS tomorrow. 😛
Wondering if/when the next @webblastsyd will be held…?
@webblastsyd I could possibly assist. Don’t have capacity to do a lot, but I could maybe help!
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes That might drive price down, make it more likely to sell! Talk it up, see if you can price it out of market.
@drwitty_knitter But does she use capital letters in it? Because for some reason that IRKS THE CRAP OUT OF ME.
Mobile Develops Meetup! (@ King Street Brewhouse w/ @nolim1t) http://t.co/hfNcz39QYK
RT @alolita: #Agile Programming doesn’t mean doing more work with fewer people. Dilbert says it best 🙂 http://t.co/Apyc4fua0G
RT @bronwen: We’re looking for the top 50 female programmers http://t.co/cHz1QAymWo cc @sw @GGDSydney @GGDmelb @StartupVic
This is for @drkknits: http://t.co/hi2uVQqLU1
RT @scicurious: Girls robotics team mistaken for the cheerleaders. Powerful piece. http://t.co/ZvzECuF4Fe // cc @GGDSydney
Only 90s Web Developers Remember This – The guys on my team were sharing this today as a bit of a funny joke. I laughed (“HA HA”) but really? I felt a little pang inside. This was my professional life for the 90’s. Damn, feels like a long time ago!
Apologies for not confirming it sooner, but as a few of you have speculated via email and tweets, I’m not doing the Oscar Contest this year. I planned on it, and I even bought some socks back in December earmarked for it. But I just wasn’t feeling inspired, you know? There weren’t many movies this year that I thought lent themselves to sock monkey interpretation. So I settled on a rather obvious choice that involved multiple-sized monkeys and a sock monkey dragon (I’m sure you can guess), but damn, that just felt like a LOT of work for something that wasn’t even up for many awards. And then as I got back to work in January, my job ramped up something fierce. I ended up being offered a big promotion, which is nice, but the upshot is that I’ve been working really hard for a lot of hours since the Christmas Break. And instead of half-assing something, I decided to just call it off this year. Sorry for the disappointment! Hopefully a year off will recharge the creative batteries and I’ll be back in 2015.
@drkknits I literally went to click and then STOPPED. Furrowed my brow. “There are probably going to be feet.” No thank you.
Bedazzled unicorn GAYTM selfie. BOOM. #happymardigras #anzrocks http://t.co/bUlRQBagTM
One of these days I’ll leave work before 6pm, I swear. #newjob #fatigue
@drkknits I’m sorry I missed most of this today. You okay?
@pyko @handmethepanda It’s hard. I’ve been getting into flow after 5. 🙁
@pixel8ted I’m all over that in theory, but that looks like some watered down sour cream bukkake nastiness.
@drkknits A friend of mine just posted on FB he’s got an extra ticket for March 7th show.
@insertjokehere I suddenly just pictured that scrawled on a card, with symbols.
@gilmae WTF. When did I *stop* following you? Perplexing.
@gilmae Yeah, a possibility. But I don’t remember anything offensive! Must’ve been by accident. I’m sorry!
I just called it, folks. No Oscar Contest this year! Sorry to disappoint. http://t.co/8zvHXJizIM
Bedazzled unicorn GAYTM selfie. BOOM. #happymardigras #anzrocks
From Die Hard to Non-Stop: The Beginner’s Guide to “Dadcore” | Vanity Fair – Throw in “The Towering Inferno” and this article is basically a list of My Dad’s Favorite Movies of All Time.