Month: February 2014

  • Made in K-town: African Flower Square Tutorial

    Made in K-town: African Flower Square Tutorial – These are beautiful. I wonder if I could talk RoseRed into showing me how to do it one of these days…

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    @drkknits The “Inspector” window is your friend. I couldn’t figure out how to do anything until I found that! (Nice theme BTW.)

    @drkknits @Gidgetknits It exports to PowerPoint and PDF. šŸ™‚

    @Gidgetknits @drkknits Yeah, the PP exported ones arenā€™t as slick as playing from Keynote, but it works.

    Dear Kristy: Congrats on your new role. Love, Snookums

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    Dear Kristy: Congrats on your new role. Love, Snookums
    Dear Kristy: Congrats on your new role. Love, Snookums

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    Laughing so hard he cries. I love him.

    Laughing so hard he cries. I love him.

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    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Today I learned who G.P. the Guinea Pig is.

    In honour of @Kat13v, we are now spending Valentineā€™s Day watching ā€œThe Young Onesā€ while drunk.

    Laughing so hard he cries. I love him.

    @kattjera Haha, no, GP is from a childrenā€™s program called On the Riverbank. But I know SPG already. šŸ™‚

    @kattjera Haha, yeah, that was prompted by it.

    RT @tammybutow: We love that @GGDSydney is running Sydney’s first female hackathon so we have decided to join in! #ggdmelbā€¦

    Thinking about good job advice from @brown_note: ā€œRemember be kind to everyone (which you were going to be).ā€

    @drkknits Keynote! Youā€™ve got a Mac, right?

    @drkknits This is the Keynote theme I used for my preso on Wednesday:

    @drkknits Itā€™s so much prettier than Power Point.

    @randomknits Haha, awwww, that face!

    @drkknits You can embed images, videos, music etc just drag them in. It takes some getting used to. I still donā€™t know all the features.

    @drkknits Did up you get iWork with your MacBook? You might already have it.

    @drkknits Also, thereā€™s a Remote app you can get for your iPhone that lets you control it!

    @drkknits When did you get your Mac?

    @drkknits Iā€™d probably just get Keynote. Pages is nice, but I never use Numbers spreadsheet.

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    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Happy Valentine’s Day!

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    @garethrhughes @booyachi GODDAMN YOU GUYS. Iā€™m just now leaving. Are ppl still drinking somewhere? @daphnechong

    Overwhelming day. Bittersweet. I got a big promotion. Iā€™m excited but slightly scared. Hope I donā€™t let anybody down!

    @jojoconstance Thank you!!

    @betsybookworm @drkknits Thank you! Iā€™m gonna do my best. šŸ™‚

    @geekpinked Thank you!

    @neil_killick Thank you! Iā€™m trying to project confidence even if I donā€™t feel it.

    @drwitty_knitter @RoseRed_Shoes Thank you!!

    @Yarna_ Thank you!!

    The best antidote to Imposter Syndrome is an email from a friend saying ā€œYOU BLOODY LEGEND!!!!ā€ Thanks @CatRapture! šŸ™‚

    @daphnechong You are drunkypants right now, but that Keynote theme is here: (Fonts linked below preview images!)

    @pinkcatknits @SandraHW @randomknits Thank you lovely ladies!

    Just upgraded to @TheOldReader Premium. Not so much for features, more as thank you for effort when Google SCREWED OVER READER. #stillbitter

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    @blakkat Ahh, okay. That site actually isn’t us; it’s a third party. I will pass on feedback though!

    @QAGOMA I hope you tweet the winner of the #caldesigncomp. Very curious to see what you choose!

    RT @roald_dahl: Kris set up the original #RoaldDahl Fans website – here’s her #CharlieAndTheChocolateFactory! http:/ā€¦

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    @drkknits Just hit the ENHANCE button. Don’t you watch CSI? šŸ™‚

    Introductions at #ggdsyd. Making Varun stand up and represent @Mi9!

    Yay – mi9 represent at #ggdsyd!

    . @CatRapture is KILLING it at #ggdsyd teaching everyone about PhoneGap. With a pre-made app to download? Amazing.

    @CatRapture Not even! You were fantastic. šŸ™‚

    RT @CatRapture: @web_goddess you have now officially raised the bar for presentations! Love the matching outfit.

    @aimezly Haha, thanks! Actually a friend ordered me one from Amazon. šŸ™‚

    @blakkat @cathyblabla Hmm. MommyApp? Mom stuff is huge. Think what would be useful to you!

    RT @aimezly: Really enjoyed and #inspired by all the talks @GGDSydney tonight! #ggdsyd

    RT @knitterjp: @web_goddess dressing to impress and showing off her inner Peggy Olsen #ggdsyd and a great presentationā€¦

    Fantastic time presenting at #ggdsyd tonight. Thanks to all my @Mi9 coworkers who gave feedback on practice sessions today!

    @Angie_Gove Thank you! No matter how prepared, I still get stressed out. Presenting is such a rush though!

    @knitterjp Fantastic! Whatā€™s she building?

    Hey @drkknits – possibly one for your To Do list in NYC: Also, I need to sew more shirts in Liberty.

    @drkknits I love that shop, but $150 for a shirt I could make myself is a lot! Fabric, howeverā€¦..

    @catehstn Ah. Rodd and I often call that ā€œsharing a brain.ā€ Sometimes itā€™s less fun than it sounds.

    Listening to Idina sing ā€œLet It Goā€ over and over on repeat. Itā€™s having the intended effect.

    @jojoconstance @catehstn In a way itā€™s narcissism, Iā€™ll admit. Most ppl annoy the crap out of me. So I live with the one most similar to me.

    @jojoconstance @catehstn Otherwise Iā€™d have to live in a cave away from society. šŸ™‚

    Switching over to Defying Gravity. Idinaā€™s high notes are a super power, I swear.