Month: February 2014

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    Yay - @Mi9 represent at #ggdsyd!
    Yay – @Mi9 represent at #ggdsyd!

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    @drkknits @lemon_lime Ah, I saw that one a few years ago. No dudes in that one, sadly. šŸ™

    Tonight may be the first @GGDSydney talk in history to require cosplay.

    @drkknits Blechh. My Costco salsa is ORGANIC, you Philistine! (And more importantly, $9 for like a liter.)

    @SAI @OzGamer Hilariously, it appears the app is actually called ā€œSlack.ā€

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    @RoseRed_Shoes @Gidgetknits I do indeed! Recipe is here:

    @garethrhughes Nice! I’ll be sure to look at you guys tomorrow and see if you’ve still got traces of pink.

    @drkknits Hm. With that many rows of the light grey, I wouldn’t carry up the red and charcoal. Just break and restart every time.

    @drkknits Not really. Some people like to weave them in as they go, but I always prefer doing it afterwards.

    @drkknits The only trick re: round is if you’re using a steek and can leave the ends loose in there. No steek, no such luck.

    RT @Channel9: Jump-in NOW and WATCH the FIRST FOUR EPISODES of @9LoveChild before the series airs on @Channel9! STREAM:ā€¦

    @9LoveChild I know. I helped build the site. šŸ™‚

    RT @thestaceywah: Really enjoyed first 4eps of @9LoveChild #lovechild @Channel9 I am hooked.

    @lemon_lime @drkknits Say hi to Robb Stark’s abs for me.

    RT @sydneyfireworks: World’s most neurotic #fireworks city strikes again – another pointless display in downtown #sydney right now – why @bā€¦

    @drkknits @lemon_lime What was reaction to smoke baby and white walkers? šŸ™‚

    @lemon_lime @drkknits OH SHIT SORRY. I thought it was done. Crap. Don’t tell Jamie I ruined it!

    @lemon_lime @drkknits His bastard brother is coming up. Ahem.

    @lemon_lime @drkknits Yes, they’re awesome!

  • Working Vintage Toasters

    Working Vintage Toasters – And just like that, I have a new hipster obsession. I am now officially on the lookout for an authentic Sunbeam Radiant Control Toaster. (Yes, despite the fact that I only eat toast like once every six months.) Link courtesy of MeFi

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    My office is so swanky, you can get your shoes shined in an Eames chair. @ Australia Square

    @garethrhughes We have beer. Are you in the office? Come over!

    Awww, @nolim1t sent me a lovely iMessage. (Not really. I suspect @TimBags was pranking me.)

    @hoganau NICE FOR SOME.

    @misswired You did! And my MIL arse dialled me earlier. The phone gods were targeting me today. šŸ™‚

    Just had to explain to some confused tourists on bus that their Opal cards wouldnā€™t work on it! #swiping #futilely (cc @TheOpalUser)

    @timparsons You still there? Iā€™m just about to walk through on my way home!

    Finishing my second 10+ hr work day in a row. Damn television rating seasonā€¦

    @timparsons Yay! Be there in < 5 min

    Bad fonts make Hermione’s head hurt.

    Just received email spam from @GetGlassesNZ ā€œbrand ambassadorā€. No unsub link. Violation of Australiaā€™s SPAM Act, right?

    @mudsurfer Never heard of them before in my life. Sent a strongly worded reply basically saying UR DOING IT WRONG.

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    Bad fonts make Hermione's head hurt.
    Bad fonts make Hermione’s head hurt.

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    My office is so swanky, you can get your shoes shined in an Eames chair.
    My office is so swanky, you can get your shoes shined in an Eames chair.

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    Just went out on porch and actually yelled at the college girls upstairs blaring music and singing at 10:30. Assholes. Next stop eviction.

    @misswired We’re under the balconies of the units upstairs. They were playing music and singing LOUD til 10:30.

    @drwitty_knitter @randomknits I nearly threw a shoe at them. Now I’m tempted to leave a passive aggressive note in their mailbox.

    @randomknits @gilmae I do hope you won’t start dressing in drab, featureless clothing, comrade.

    @booyachi @garethrhughes Mine expired over Christmas and Balu had to change it. Happily I like his choice way more than my normal ones.

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    I get excited when I hear fireworks these days, mostly because I know that a grumpy tweet from @sydneyfireworks is soon to follow!