Birthday brekkie!
Month: March 2014
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Mi9 are looking for a Research and Insights Manager. Let me know if you’re interested!
4th week in new job complete. Getting the hang of it! Some good wins, lots done, less feeling like an imposter. 🙂
@drwitty_knitter @miss_reecie I’m only going to finish one of my two. And I’m trying very hard to be okay with that.
@stufromoz Thank you! (I’ll be shaking it out of my hair for weeks. 😛 )
@thisismywww Thanks!!
Birthday brekkie! @ Toby’s Estate
@misswired @the_snook Hello! Are you nearby?
@randomknits Thank you!!
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Bought myself a new dress as an early birthday present! Thanks @sportscraft… #sportscraft100 -
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RT @lurkmoophy: Parents do a perfect lip-synch to Frozen in the car. I don’t do this in the car… nope… (I’m way better than her) http://t.c…
RT @karhatsu: “I’ve seen user story cards with .. ‘Make dashboard better’ written on them by Certified Scrum Masters.”…
@fitbit Not all of your users are in northern hemisphere! We’re heading into Autumn here…
Veronica Mars movie is downloading right now! There’s my night planned. #teamlogan
@gregmcintyre @tjmcewan Doesn’t cover GoGet for driving either – every plan there is 40c a km.
@imdominating I’m just kicking myself I didn’t set an alarm to get up 4 hours ago when the email arrived. I could’ve watched it already!
@imdominating UM, my friend @kellymcmahon who you have met? Was posting photos of her with Dick Casablancas and Weevil from NY cast party.
@imdominating Kel and Weevil:
@imdominating She and her wife went to the NY one earlier in the week. No idea how she got tickets. Must have donated heaps or something.
@imdominating @Kristen_Arnett See, he looks too nice there! He should BROOD in all the pictures.
Bought myself a new dress as an early birthday present! Thanks @sportscraft… #sportscraft100
@imdominating @Kristen_Arnett I’d have been: “That’s very nice, Jason Dohring. But I want a photo WITH LOGAN PLEASE. Commence smoldering.”
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Intensity happening. -
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Going to the hairdresser 3 days before 37th birthday is dangerous. Having a serious discussion about ORANGE here.
@RoseRed_Shoes I would if I had more of it! But I just have stubborn strands rather than awesome swaths. 🙁
Intensity happening.
She uses taaaaangerines! #orange #superhero
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Santino convinced me to leave the base as copper. It shows my regrowth the least! So no blonde for a while.
@pinkcatknits Hm. Sadly, it’s probably something like Outlook Wrangling!
Good Food – Sydney’s must-try Korean dishes
Good Food – Sydney’s must-try Korean dishes – Korean food seems to be having a “moment” right now!
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Trying to decide if being able to say I saw the Pixies play the Opera House is worth it even if Kim Deal ain’t there. Hm. (cc @knitterjp)
Just got recognised by @goldfishgeorge on the bus! She’s sitting right in front of me. 🙂
Proof of my meetup with @goldfishgeorge! Pics or it didn’t happen, amirite?
RT @jurgenappelo: “The difference between successful people and very successful people is very successful people say No to almost everythin…
RT @lullabot: Has the time come to retire “Agile?” One of the movement’s fathers thinks the manifesto has outlived its usefulness: http://t…
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What Do You Know – free night of web talks on April 3 from @webdirections folks. I’m speaking! Details here:
@CatRapture Haha, yeah. 🙂
@maxine Are the WDYK talks mean to be true “lightning” talks (i.e. auto-advancing slides, etc)? Or just 5 minute limit?
Hiring! Looking for a great Technical Development Manager to join my team. Ping me if interested…
I can’t believe I waited this long to try out Duolingo. I am now obsessed. Hermione: “IT’S LIKE THEY GAMIFIED SCHOOL!” Snook: “Ugh.”
@pyko Yeah, the minute they add Korean I’m gonna be all over it.
@maxine Awesome, thanks. 🙂
@antonemdin Don’t forget to have them take my trivia quiz afterwards. 🙂
@aimee_maree Where are you relocating?! I gather US from your tweets?
@aimee_maree Congrats! I’ve got some AU friends returning from there. They loved it – guessing you will too.
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I reached Level 5 German! #duolingo // My first day! GO HERMIONE.
@drkknits Those are the ones!
RT @higdonmarathon: Marathons feature the triumph of desire over reason.