Month: March 2014

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    Beetroot/rocket/walnut/goat’s cheese puffs for KnitGuild today. #totesmartha

    @aunty_toots No real recipe. Grated beetroot sauteed with butter and balsamic. Frozen puff cut into circles; poked in center after baking.

    @aunty_toots For assembly, just added a bit of goat’s cheese and some rocket tossed with olive oil, balsamic, and toasted walnuts.

    RT @Yarna_: Great presentation on Estonian Knitting & Nancy Bush at Guild. Thanks ladies. And @RoseRed_Shoes brought the gorgeous baby!

    @unlikelylibrary In the middle of the day? You are a WICKED girl!

    @randomknits Waves hand…

    Fantastic links for IWD. Feeling solidarity with our sisters in airline industry. (cc @GGDSydney @GGDmelb)

  • When I Moved Abroad | Mozilla IT

    When I Moved Abroad | Mozilla IT – Great analogy.

    “It is not sexist to have a women-only space in a community that’s so very male-oriented and has so many men in it. It is (arguably) a necessity if you want more women to be a part of the community.”

  • How to get your conference talk accepted – Chad Fowler

    How to get your conference talk accepted – Chad Fowler – Thinking about doing more speaking at industry events. I like it. It’s fun.

  • Photo post

    Beetroot/rocket/walnut/goat's cheese puffs for KnitGuild today. #totesmartha

    Beetroot/rocket/walnut/goat’s cheese puffs for KnitGuild today. #totesmartha

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @richardmclaren It was a fake!

  • French Fry Waffles

    French Fry Waffles – YOU ARE KILLING ME, KENJI.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @Roceal Wait – what?!?!

    @holman Found last night and loved it. Thanks so much! I’m debating giving a talk at work on more effective presentations.

    Feeling discouraged. Trying to motivate some people but I just don’t think I’m getting through. 🙁

    @mattallen Our HR expert lent me a couple. Would love recommendations.

    @allanwaddell I get that, definitely. I’m still too much of an optimist for “cut and run” to ever not be a defeatist strategy though.

    @allanwaddell You know, we should catch up regularly. You are always so insightful when I’ve asked you stuff!

    @allanwaddell And at least I can vent to someone who knows what I’m talking about. 🙂

    @allanwaddell Pretty good! Ooh, I’m talking at this in a couple weeks: You and @twalve should come along!

    @allanwaddell @twalve You should volunteer to talk! I’m trying to convince Varun. 🙂

    @twalve @allanwaddell They didn’t tell me it was competitive?! Well. That changes everything. *Hermione hat ON*

    @allanwaddell @johnallsopp @twalve Well, now I’m disappointed that my awesome groundbreaking talk on KNITTING AS COMPUTER CODE won’t win!

    @allanwaddell @johnallsopp @twalve Title: “Granny was a Hacker.” I know. It’s awesome.

    @twalve @allanwaddell @johnallsopp That’s WEAVING you Philistine!

    @madradish Ooh, best of luck! You’ll smash it. 🙂

    @allanwaddell @johnallsopp @twalve Don’t tempt me. I actually collect those books. Knitted myself this in fact:

    @allanwaddell @johnallsopp @twalve Nope. I really did knit that. (The pic of Sexy Geography Teacher was the impetus.)

    RT @mcannonbrookes: Drumroll Please…we have a new universal HipChat emoticon – what a great initiative. Beautiful story.…

    @mcannonbrookes I can’t wait to share that with the other women at @Mi9 today. Wonderful story! I’ll donate to the cause too. 🙂

    @rowdyrabbit They’ve actually got way more than they need!

    RT @perkinsy: This post gives background on past efforts re knitting for penguins: The Great Penguin Sweater Fiasco …

    RT @ChippendaleComm: Time warp: #Chippendale c.1940 Abercrombie & Meagher Sts. Cafe Giulia today. The magic of #heritage areas. Image COS h…