Month: April 2014

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    Now THAT is a sandwich. @ Reuben & Moore

    @aimee_maree I have only ever in 12 years here heard of it in relation to the proposed airport. No friggin’ clue where it is.

    @aimee_maree I know what you mean. But as someone who used to live under the flight path, I also think flight curfews are a good thing!

    @redambition What’s happening with them?? I’ve had two without any issues.

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    Now THAT is a sandwich.
    Now THAT is a sandwich.

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    Petey's fave place to lounge is in piles of clean laundry. (Little turd.)
    Petey’s fave place to lounge is in piles of clean laundry. (Little turd.)

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    Solitary hipster breakfast selfie. @ Something for Jess

    @gilmae @randomknits Can’t you just pay some neighbour out there to SMS you a photo every couple of days?

    @handmethepanda Too warm for a scarf, really.

    @drkknits Ooh. Do you use one of those online checkers?

    @drkknits WTF. Why would they do that if they know they’re submitting it to turnitin?

    Dealing with nutters on the AK Rav boards is *not* the way to regain my knitting mojo.

    This is probably offending @drkknits on so many levels, but I couldn’t resist!

    @drkknits They’re all right! Less sweet and more bready than I’ve had before. The lemon comes through. Not much glaze.

    @drkknits Not sure they’re worth $2 each tho.

    First Sunday night in months I haven’t been online stressing about the frickin’ room reveals. It’s nice.

    Living vicariously through my @Mi9 colleague Alan as he runs the London Marathon. On track for sub-3hr pace!

    Petey’s fave place to lounge is in piles of clean laundry. (Little turd.)

    @pixel8ted My Mom made that one. Well, she found bought the top as an antique and then finished it:

    @lachlanhardy I knew it was the Boathouse before I clicked. Mmmmm. I can smell the truffle now. Enjoy!

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    This is probably offending @drkknits on so many levels, but I couldn't resist!
    This is probably offending @drkknits on so many levels, but I couldn’t resist!

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    Solitary hipster breakfast selfie.
    Solitary hipster breakfast selfie.

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    Trying to motivate myself to get out of bed and head to @KnitGuildNSW. Who’s going to IC today?

    @unlikelylibrary There are 2 older women on this bus dressed in full Princess Leia cosplay. With a Lady Jedi accompanying. Ahh, Newtown.

    On the #428 bus to Alderaan.

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    On the #428 bus to Alderaan.
    On the #428 bus to Alderaan.

  • Roald Dahl Fans share their Charlie covers

    Roald Dahl Fans share their Charlie covers – Hey, look! That’s me on the official Roald Dahl site. 🙂