Month: April 2014

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    Lots of dude so far at #wdyk Sydney. Where my ladies at? My talk should be about 7:10ish…

    I swear I saw @diversionary come in at #wdyk but then I lost him. Where are you?

    @lindsayevans @boomworks Oh fun. I’ve scored an invite to your party next Friday, I think…

    @CathJones0 Hey, did I see you at #wdyk? I’m down the front!

    RT @lachlanhardy: Watching @web_goddess slay the #WDYK audience with binary knitting, ‘creative mittens’ with QR codes, and more. Super fuc…

    @lachlanhardy Thanks! I was worried how the topic would fly in this room. Glad it was so well received!

    @Rose_Matthews Thank you! I loved your talk as well. Did you do the illustrations??

    Wow. @johnallsopp said I pretty much won #wdyk. I can die happy. 🙂

    @nolim1t Encoding data and secret messages in knitting. 🙂

    “When we make devices accessible by the blind, I don’t insider the bloody ROI.” – Tim Cook // Great talk on accessibility! #wdyk

    This is the most I’ve ever understood Bitcoins. Very cool. #wdyk

    Somehow managed to confuse @200ok and @lachlanhardy at the bar before I left #wdyk. In my defense, I’m hopped up on cold meds + adrenaline.

    @bezthomas Dammit. Yes. (That’s what I get for typing quickly during the talk.)

    My slides from last night’s #wdyk talk are online: . Thanks to @webdirections for putting on such a great night!

    RT @womensmediacntr: Why would @Google’s females engineers behave differently when told to advocate for their promotions?…

    RT @codepo8: .@Mozilla stands up for equality! CEO steps down. #standwithmozilla #p2 #lgbt

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    Every time I apply eyeliner halfway decently, I hope somewhere @ellykei is smiling proudly.
    Every time I apply eyeliner halfway decently, I hope somewhere @ellykei is smiling proudly.

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    @knitterjp @SerriLaw @ricardoy1 @garethrhughes Hahahahhahahahaha

    @stufromoz Damn! I walked past the crowd outside tonight and thought HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS WAS HAPPENING? 🙁

    Trying to rehearse my speech for #wdyk tomorrow, and I keep coughing. I hope adrenaline fixes it up on the day.

    @bron2042 It’s not my throat so much as my crappy lungs.

    @knitterjp Going to do a practice run through at lunch if you’re interested.

    @stufromoz WHAT?!!! Double damn. I probably shouldn’t have gone anyway. I’m still sick. Would’ve coughed through the whole thing. 🙁

    Just got 3rd spam in a year inviting me to review the Snugg, this time from @felicitasmedia. Have asked repeatedly to be removed from list.

    Every time I apply eyeliner halfway decently, I hope somewhere ellykei is smiling proudly.

    RT @diversionary: If you missed it, this April Fools restaurant review is both funny and a cutting takedown of Sydney dining trends http://…

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    @WWCSyd Super cool! Hope it’s a great night. 🙂