Vivid Festival. Gorgeous Sydney on a warm autumn night!
Month: May 2014
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@sjhfletcher You did such a good thing. As an occasional cyclist, that sort of thing is my biggest fear!
Time for the Pixies! (@ Sydney Opera House – @sohnews)
WHADDAYA THINK OF THE CROCHET, @knitterjp? Ha! @ Vivid Live
Some of this Vivid stuff is a little trippy. @ Customs House
Vivid Festival. Gorgeous Sydney on a warm autumn night! @ Vivid Live
Greens and Blues. My favourite from the new album. #pixies @ Sydney Opera House Concert Hall Prompt…
Where’s the best place to get breakfast in North Sydney? I bet @knitterjp will know..,
@johnallsopp @knitterjp That’s what I’m wondering. If I’m driving all the way there to go to the Homebrew store, there better be food!
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@misswired Hey – has Web Blast gone on hiatus? Just wondering when the next one will be…
@lemon_lime I told Rodd last night: First Reader, now MetaFilter. I am next expecting Google to leave a flaming bag of poo on my doorstep.
@misswired Sure! Let me know. 🙂
Sadly, this is what I’m clinging to today.
@drkknits Did you see water main flood in NYC? Katz’s Deli!
@zephyrama @redambition @gilmae If we’re all awake, maybe next time we should play an online game or something.
Nearly forgot my @PIXIES tickets for tonight! Looking forward to catching up with @knitterjp and reliving our teen years.
Arcade Story |
Arcade Story | – Great story. I bought Dragon’s Lair on iPad but didn’t get very far!
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Spotted this pic of Grandpa Harter on Mom’s fridge and realised two things: 1) Grandpa would not look out of place in Newtown today, and 2) Grandpa was HOT. Right? -
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Mi9 (ninemsn) is looking for Web Developer #job
@thisismywww Nope. Ours have flickered a few times in past few days, but we attributed that to renovations happening on other floors.
@damana Hey! I think a recruiter put you forward for a role on my team today. Recognised the name. 🙂
@damana Sure. You want to ring me? Follow me if you’d prefer to DM. 🙂
@aimee_maree @nolim1t Ha, I worked with WAP sites back in 2000 too. And INTERNET TV. Woooo, futuristic innit. 🙂
@laimelde I got a splint (mouthguard) to wear at night. Jaw feels less sore in morning, which helps through day as well.
@aimee_maree @nolim1t I can probably still recite from memory the iconic Webmonkey article about optimising your HTML layout tables. 🙂
@aimee_maree @nolim1t I’ve still got a live site that uses them! Works great for what it is. Been playing with new resp design but I’m lazy.
Poo vs Gravity – physics science acceleration | Ask MetaFilter
Poo vs Gravity – physics science acceleration | Ask MetaFilter – This made me laugh far, FAR more than it should have.
Bob’s Burgers is getting a comic book – Newswire – The A.V. Club
Bob’s Burgers is getting a comic book – Newswire – The A.V. Club – Erotic friend fiction graphic novel!!