Month: May 2014

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    @drkknits Whatcha mean? I have to file in both places. But I’ve never had to pay additional in US because I’m under some magical threshold

    @drkknits Ah, so they don’t take it out of pay you get there. I get it.

    OMGWTFBBQ. Today I learned that Oberyn Martell = Eddie from UC Sunnydale.

    @auscrum Booked in a member of my team yesterday, but didn’t get any email notification. Should we expect something?

    @mattgemmell I bought Acorn recently and I’m liking it. Not necessarily dev-focused, but perfect for what I need.

    @mattgemmell Ooh, very cool. Thanks @ccgus for saving me from the horror that was MacGimp!

    Woke up to fantastic news. @TheFryeCompany are going to replace my squeaky boots! Amazing customer service. Can’t wait to get them.

    @mathowie We ended up giving away the TV. (I’m only cringing a little bit.)

    @drkknits You’re the Hermione of moving!

  • State of MetaFilter | MetaTalk

    State of MetaFilter | MetaTalk – This hit me in the gut. I’m very sorry to see Jessamyn go as a moderator. I’ve been reading MeFi for more than thirteen years, and I do sorta feel like I know the mods there. (I’ve even met Jess and Mathowie.)

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    Totally sad confession: Today I found out that the lights in our new office turn off after 7pm. #fml

    @drkknits You forgot d) to troll hapless web developers.

    New rug. Unimpressed cat.

    “On second thought, this is all right.”

    RT @unlikelylibrary: 17 Things You Should Avoid Doing If You Want To Be Happy

    @ozdj Thanks. Shouldn’t make difference to me – US law is reporting all accounts with $10K balances. So this just extra checking it seems.

    RT @ozdj: Reminder for US ex-pats living in AU. FATCA is comin’ at ya on 1Jul14.

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    @drkknits Meh. They’re not that great. Really only a few notches above Peeps if you ask me.

    @drkknits @redambition “Home made”? Two graham crackers, a burnt marshmallow, and a square of Hershey’s “chocolate”. Ew.

    @drkknits @redambition Australia has ruined me for American chocolate.

    @drkknits @redambition Graham crackers fucking rule though. No arguments there.

    @drkknits @redambition You are blowing my mind. OHGODPUTATIMTAMONIT…

    @redambition @drkknits As long as it’s the mini cups. They are the best. It is known.

    @redambition @drkknits You can bake them. Never tried it though. HoneyMaid are the best.

    RT @BeauGiles: So @dicksmith are bringing the #Chromecast to Australia

    @Lackadazy I hate to tell you, but you are watching the WRONG Pride & Prejudice. 🙂 (Julia Sawaha 4EVA!)

    New hipster vintage shelves found on Gumtree! Need more cool knick-knacks to fill it.

    The bottom of my barely worn @TheFryeCompany boots…

  • Uptown Coffee Table by Blu Dot | Pinterest

    Uptown Coffee Table by Blu Dot | Pinterest – Dear Internet. I would like Joey and Chandler’s coffee table (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) for my house. Do you know where I could find something like that?

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    @sebastianparis What’s the bug? My trips are straightforward: bus from A to B. If I ride every day, it’s cheaper than Travel 10.

    @pixel8ted I didn’t see back specialist – was my knees. And they were all pretty useless, to tell you the truth. I’m still in pain.

    @drkknits Have you seen it yet?

    @drkknits YES! I liked it a lot. I think you will too. Revisionist Disney. You’ll see.

    @drkknits And Kristen Bell does all her own singing and is AMAZING. And Idina is fantastic as always.

    @drkknits The song’s a lot better in context, I promise.

    @drkknits The troll parts are dumb. Stupid trolls.

    @drkknits And there are a couple Arrested Development jokes in there. Seriously. One of them you’ll spot.

    @drkknits @Gidgetknits I’m glad you liked it! I’m sad they didn’t let Jonathan Groff sing a proper song.

    @drkknits @Gidgetknits Also, you should watch this:

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    RT @HuffPostMedia: Abramson was reportedly paid way less than men at the Times for over a decade. Here are the numbers from Ken Auletta htt…

    My boss has a Lego wall in our new office.

    RT @dreadpirate15: OH: “I’ve got 99 problems, but I’ve closed 7 of them as ‘won’t fix’”

    Just received and activated our Opal cards! About damn time, NSW. Now roll it out on my bus, please.

    @gregmcintyre Yep, I’ve seen it. For me, I’ll save a bit on my commute. The convenience is bigger priority to me than the $$ though.

    Just remembered that @knitterjp and I are seeing the Pixies next Friday. WOOOOO!

    @knitterjp There was a spelling mistake. 🙂