Month: May 2014

  • Did the NY Times Fire Jill Abramson For Being ‘Bossy’? – Forbes

    Did the NY Times Fire Jill Abramson For Being ‘Bossy’? – Forbes – I’m kind of obsessed with the Abramson story. This is making the NYT look very bad indeed…

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    Very annoyed. Only thing cobbler can do about my squeaking @TheFryeCompany boots is replace entire soles. $130 min. 🙁

    @moorchild @TheFryeCompany They’re 2.5 years old. Worn less than half a dozen times. I hadn’t realised about the 2 yr limit. 🙁

    Woohoo! @kunaal84 about to present at his first @Mi9 company cram. He did great!

    Presenting is a learned skill. Nell from @Foxtel is such a great speaker! #GGDSyd

    @CatRapture @GGDSydney Booooooooo!! #gutted #dontgogeorgi

    Working a room is like driving a car. Great analogy! #GGDSyd

    “Train tight to play loose.” Great advice from Maria at @CommBank on presenting. #GGDSyd

    Maria is giving me flashbacks to running the C2S. This may not be her intended effect! #GGDSyd

    RT @GGDSydney: is another great resource for technical talks #ggdsyd // I was literally JUST about to tweet that!

    One final #girlgeek selfie with catrapture! #ggdsyd

    One final @GGDSydney selfie with @CatRapture! #ggdsyd

    Get to the TARDIS! Name your price for over 61 comic books in the Humble Doctor Who Comics Bundle via @humble

    RT @JennaPrice: Hey women. Read this.

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    @ImagiNERDtive Just email me what you want by Sunday night! 🙂

    @ImagiNERDtive @knitterjp @drwitty_knitter I go the Plus due to height. It’s such a novelty to not hike up tights all day long!

    Giving up and taking my @TheFryeCompany boots to cobbler tomorrow. Both squeak terribly and they’re barely worn! I suspect dodgy shanks. 🙁

    RT @Inc: What’s the worst thing you can say during a presentation? @jeff_haden

    RT @welovecolors: @web_goddess So happy we could offer you Aussies what you need for the colder weather #weloveaussies

    RT @carlfish: Sydney in Autumn. Doesn’t suck.

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    RT @TheMarkTwain: The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.

    It feels about time for another @welovecolors order. Any other Aussies want in? @knitterjp @randomknits @drwitty_knitter @smark31 @Yarna_

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    Let’s be honest: I definitely would’ve watched a whole hour of “Stannis Baratheon Fills Out a Loan Application.”

    But, hey, Dinklage’s Emmy Reel was pretty damn good too.

    RT @ninemsn: Beyonce’s sister kicks, punches Jay Z

    Just pulled the trigger on a dining room rug from @TempleWebster. And also fancy candles. I am powerless to resist lifestyle porn.

    @randomknits Good point. Rugs are simpler that way!

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    This weekend brought to you by codeine and Netflix…

    Spotted this pic of Grandpa Harter on Mom’s fridge and realised two things: 1) Grandpa would not look…

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    @drkknits Senuti. It’s iTunes backwards. You should also google it.

    @drkknits And let the record show that I object to “tech head.” 😛

    @drkknits You made me lol. One of my fave quotes.

    I’m going to be late for @KnitGuildNSW but I’m still coming! ( @randomknits @knitterjp @drwitty_knitter @SandraHW etc…)

    @knitterjp @KnitGuildNSW @randomknits @drwitty_knitter @SandraHW Anna is downstairs – can somebody let her in please??

    @knitterjp I’m walking so still like 10 min for me

    Passed a lady “yarnbombing” a bike rack in Redfern. Guy with a massive camera documenting every move. Of course.

    I said, “Why not put your lovely crochet on a person to keep them warm?” Her: “But the pole needs to be warm!” Me: “No, it really doesn’t.”

    Sad truth: @imdominating has RUINED “Rudy” for me.