Month: June 2014

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    People are passing photos at the funeral. Here’s 13yo me cutting a rug at their wedding reception.

    Elsa and Anna. (I have to be Anna “because my hair is red.”)

    Not often all three of us are in the same place! @ LaGrange, Indiana

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    Good grief, fellow Yanks. The plane isn’t even here yet. Quit hassling the staff.

    One hour past boarding time, and still sitting at gate. This sucks.

    @drkknits Delta. Not their fault, crappy weather seems to have caused delays across board in Sydney. Finally made it to LA.

    One thing I love about travelling: older people with special Travelling Clothes. My flight had all these adorable couples in cargo pants.

    @drkknits Detroit, actually. Was a little cheaper.

    Good grief. $10 for a takeaway sandwich? EXORBITANT. (at @flylaxairport w/ 185 others)

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    Flight booked to US for tomorrow. I’ll get there about 12 hours before the viewing and funeral.

    Very happy news – my sister @carbolicious managed to make flights align so I get to fly cross-country with cutest baby in world on my lap.

    @randomknits I knew you’d like those!

    In the cab on the way to the airport. I talked to Grandma this morning. No matter the hassle or expense, it’s good that I’m going.

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    @pcosta5 @anzBrightcove Easy mistake to make, sad to say. Sydney winter is a far cry from Boston’s!

    Average adult attention span now just 7 seconds. Goldfish’s is 9 seconds. Well aware of irony as I tweet this during #PLAYSYD.

    @pyko Down from 12 ten years ago. Our brains are broken.

    Kicking off the user experience track at #PLAYSYD. Very excited for @AndrewMamo to talk about @9jumpin!

    1 in 4 online Australians are watching catch-up TV, but still consuming 3 hrs of broadcast a day. #PLAYSYD

    Which devices will matter in the future? Using Olympics timeline to show progression of tech. iPads didn’t even exist at Beijing. #PLAYSYD

    Traditional TV is very hard to beat in terms of the “lean back” experience. #PLAYSYD

    Tech drives changes & new patterns of user behaviour. DVDs led to binge watching. YouTube changing celebrity culture. @AndrewMamo #PLAYSYD

    Some attendees are concerned with how media companies will anonymise and protect user data. Good question. #PLAYSYD

    RT @sutho: HTML5 video has surpassed flash with supported users. Demo showed HTmL5 loading in 2.8ms Vs 446ms for flash version. Goodby Flas…

    Switching over to the technical track at #PLAYSYD. I’m caffeinated and ready to learn about transcoding!

    @codepo8 Was talking to Craig Penfold and some of the Yahoos today. Reminisced about your visit many years ago!

    Whoa. YouTube transcodes to ~150 different renditions?! I did not know that. #PLAYSYD

    Horizontal scaling is vital for transcoding videos. “Essentially the poster child for using cloud services like EC2.” #PLAYSYD

    Using clips from Silicon Valley to illustrate different codecs. Heh. #PLAYSYD

    @damana Hey – I think I just missed you!

    @damana Haha, James is telling me about it right now. 🙂

    Crappy afternoon, but the arrival of my replacement @TheFryeCompany boots cheered me right up! #lovethem #kickass

    Shit. Shit. One grandad died last night; another had a heart attack and is now failing. Might have to fly to US. Getting drunk.

    Dad says not to come. Grandma knows how difficult it is. Really hard not to reply with cuss words.

    @eobeara I find that unbelievable. You are by far the healthiest Irish person I’ve ever met!

    Mr Snook is cheering me with a spirited improv based on a slip of the tongue: Bruce Bolton, flayer of men and warden of the f**king North!

    .@Buddytruk But I used a local car share app on my phone to book a van. And are you in Australia? Or just spamming the world? #fail

    @Buddytruk Easy peasy. @GOGET is the best. And they’ve got partnerships so they ARE international!

  • Negroni Week | A Drink For Your Cause

    Negroni Week | A Drink For Your Cause – Wow, that’s kinda neat! And to my utter surprise, there are several Sydney bars participating. I think the Snook and I will have to visit one this week. (Link via Max on FB.)

  • Photo post

     Crappy afternoon, but the arrival of my replacement Frye Company boots cheered me up immensely!
    Crappy afternoon, but the arrival of my replacement Frye Company boots cheered me up immensely!

  • Hopscotch – Coding for kids

    Hopscotch – Coding for kids – And apparently adults. I’m going to try this out.

  • French All Your Seams | grainline

    French All Your Seams | grainline – Tutorial for doing French seams on curved areas. Useful!

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    The new Mi9 offices are really starting to feel like home! #9jumpin @ Mi9


    @drwitty_knitter I didn’t know they were projecting on the uni! Wow – must get up there.

    Imagine if Count Rugen smushed Inigo’s head until it exploded. “Jesus, Grandpa, why did you tell me this story!?”

    @gilmae That would be telling.

    @Reidy__ Been with GoGet for YEARS! Happy to answer any questions. Love them. Very happy with service b

    RT @codepo8: TL;DR: All the News You Need From WWDC – good job @WIRED

    Brightcove Play conference. Lots of familiar faces! (@ Doltone House)

    “Glitter makes everything better.” – David Mendels, Brightcove CEO. Ha! #PLAYSYD

    New BC player features look very exciting. Thumbnail scrubbing, easier customisation, social sharing, performance enhancements… #PLAYSYD

    @OzGamer Apparently @venks79 is heading here too…

    Whoops. @anzBrightcove – forgot to adjust slide deck seasons for Southern Hemisphere! #PLAYSYD