- SYNEK – Any beer tapped fresh on your counter – The Snook and I are rather intrigued by this. Seems like getting bags might be a hassle though.
Month: July 2014
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Hipster Grandpas. (I think the older one wins by virtue of hat.) @ Sotto On West http://t.co/bSpHGOPtMC
Having a surprisingly good time with the Snook playing with spreadsheets and calculating when we’ll pay off our house. Thanks @ynab!
@redambition WTF. Just saw this. I’m sorry – hope you’re okay!
@redambition Hells yeah! TONKS LIVES.
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The mad brewer at work.
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Celebrating America’s birthday with nachos and hot dogs, just as the founding fathers did.
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@knitterjp @changelalee At least it distracts from the reptilian ugliness of the new UTS building down the street.
@changelalee @knitterjp It has a weird Jurassic Park quality somehow to me, especially with the green neon at night.
@changelalee @knitterjp But during the day it looks more like a Sandcrawler. I hate it.
The Gingers Club – spottedliger’s photo http://t.co/zwUfpDDgDM
Celebrating America’s birthday with nachos and hot dogs, just as the founding fathers did. @ The Dip http://t.co/F3JC5dLV16
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Look at this Etsy hipster nerd. 🙂
Happy birthday, USA!
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Sneak peek. It’s not a proper 4th of July without me dyeing my hands red and blue!
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RT @rod3000: “We never meant to upset you,” Facebook says of study that was meant to upset you http://t.co/TT0k7cX3nm #ok
New low in scatterbrainedness today: I left my laptop at home. Luckily I was able to borrow @booyachi’s old one!
@chrisgander Well if you ever want to daytrip to the Sydney one, I’ll get you in as my guest if you drive! 🙂
RT @garethrhughes: If you refuse to provide examples with your API documentation you’re a failure as a human being and should be shot immed…
@mootpointer Now please synthesise all that into a blog post for the rest of us. 🙂
@mootpointer You should. I’ve been picking it up here & there but having a single reference – even just a list of links – would be SO GOOD.
I had a Cuddle Buddy today! He misses you tho @drkknits. 🙂 http://t.co/1tW7Asy2TW
RT @DeptofDefense: From 1 SecDef to another: Hagel calls @timhowardgk to say thanks for defending USA. We (USA) are proud of @ussoccer! htt…
Sneak peek. It’s not a proper 4th of July without me dyeing my hands red and blue! http://t.co/rQewOgiTf9
Happy birthday, USA! http://t.co/DelylLhIGF
Snook: “You look like a Fox News anchor today!” Me: “Do you mean blonde, pretty, and patriotic?” Him: “Yep!” #onlydayitsacompliment
@chrisgander Ha! Hilariously, a “flat white” is the super trendy order in the US that marks you out as a foreigner. 🙂
@clepetit Wow! Had to go back through your timeline to get the reference. Best of luck! I hope you’ll tweet your adventures.
Look at this Etsy hipster nerd. 🙂 http://t.co/i2bG3rdTCg