Month: July 2014

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    @gilmae There are no pending comments!

    @gilmae Ha! Just realised that myself. Hey, it’s been that way for 14 years. I think that means everyone ELSE is non-traditional.

    @gilmae If you seriously want source, I’m happy to share privately. Just don’t make fun; it’s dodgy as. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Mmmm, liver.

    How the Paleolithic Diet Got Trendy – I don’t think a week is really a fair trial. I also laughed when the writer mentioned trying to make paleo pancakes and muffins. Just learn to appreciate vegetables and fruits and meat! Franken-foods are almost never a good idea.

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    @miss_claire Lagunitas is awesome. Weโ€™ve visited brewery in Petaluma twice now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @drwitty_knitter We plan and cook, but only because Rodd wonโ€™t buy kits. On my own, Iโ€™d get Lite and Easy definitely.

    @drwitty_knitter Thereโ€™s a theory you only have certain amount of decision making ability per day. Iโ€™d rather spend it elsewhere.

    @drwitty_knitter True. But I also pay seone else to dye and cut my hair, and to clean my shower. Everybody outsources something.

    @drwitty_knitter I agree, and I’m mostly playing Devil’s Advocate. But part of me also thinks wearing a uniform every day would be nice.

    @drwitty_knitter And this is basically the culinary equivalent of that. Sometimes it’s nice not to have to make all the decisions.

    @drwitty_knitter Bah to your agrarian peasant fantasies. I want the Star Wars replicator! Free us all from drudgery of Life Maintenance.

    @drwitty_knitter At which point we’ll be free to do all the fun stuff we don’t do because we’re Shopping or Washing Dishes or Ironing.

    @henrik I just found and made use of your excellent Etsy Search RSS tool. Just wanted to say thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @drwitty_knitter I spend way more time cumulatively per week stressing about what to wear than I do about what to eat. I’d rather not.

    @drwitty_knitter Ha. Now you’re verging into @the_snook’s pet territory. He thinks the government should pay us all a living wage.

    @damana Um, she dates Pacey. It’s not like anyone would need advice on that! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Dear universe: THANK YOU. It’s about time! @ Coles Broadway

    Lunch courtesy of the Snook: Beetroot Tarte Tatin with goat’s cheese!

    @RoseRed_Shoes So good. Very hard to not eat the whole packet!

    Can anyone recommend a dry cleaner in the city who isn’t EXORBITANT? $25 for a non-stained dress seems ridiculous.

    @redambition Lovely! Mineโ€™s still hanging unhemmed like a year later. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @knitterjp Awww, crap. I knew I was forgetting something.

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    Lunch courtesy of the Snook: Beetroot Tarte Tatin with goat's cheese!

    Lunch courtesy of the Snook: Beetroot Tarte Tatin with goat’s cheese!

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    Dear universe: THANK YOU. It's about time!

    Dear universe: THANK YOU. It’s about time! @ Coles Broadway

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    @lemon_lime Hahahahaha… ๐Ÿ™‚

    This one’s for @gilmae!

    Ice hockey. GO TEAM USA! BEAT THE CANUCKS! @ All Phones Arena

    It’s not face paint, but it’ll do. GO USA! @ Allphones Arena

    We’re fired up! Tie score going into last period of the series DECIDER. GO USA!! @ Allphones Arena

    Holy crap. Full time and itโ€™s tied 4-4. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?! #gousa

    Sudden death… AND WE WON! 5-4! USA USA!! Wooooooooo!!!! @ Allphones Arena

    WTF loud fireworks noises in Chippo at 1:30am?!

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    Sudden death... AND WE WON! 5-4! USA USA!! Wooooooooo!!!!

    Sudden death… AND WE WON! 5-4! USA USA!! Wooooooooo!!!! @ Allphones Arena

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    We're fired up! Tie score going into last period of the series DECIDER. GO USA!!

    We’re fired up! Tie score going into last period of the series DECIDER. GO USA!! @ Allphones Arena