It’s not face paint, but it’ll do. GO USA! @ Allphones Arena
Ice hockey. GO TEAM USA! BEAT THE CANUCKS! @ All Phones Arena
It’s not face paint, but it’ll do. GO USA! @ Allphones Arena
Ice hockey. GO TEAM USA! BEAT THE CANUCKS! @ All Phones Arena
David tweeted to me the other day to point out a problem with my automated Flipboard posting.
<blockquote”>@web_goddess I reckon your Flipboard script might need some more work. Keep seeing the Personal Branding link.
— dead gar (@gilmae) July 23, 2014
To be honest, I’d spotted that one myself previously but chose to ignore it simply because I didn’t think many people were still reading the blog. But never let it be said I don’t listen to my audience! His tweet was just the prompt I needed to fix up my script.
You’ll recall from before that I’ve been using Pocket as an intermediary to Flipboard. I’m a lazy coder, so I was basically just scraping the previous day’s posts from the RSS feed Pocket publishes for my account. There are two problems with that approach:
So I bit the bullet today and replaced the RSS script with one that uses the official Pocket Developer API. Now every day my script retrieves my list of items, constructs a blog post out of them, and then deletes each one from my account. Pretty sweet, huh? That takes care of both problems. I’m happy.
Note: I’m still a lazy coder though, so rather than implement proper OAuth (when I’m the only user), I instead found this StackOverflow question with a helpful comment that pointed me to this handy tool. After you create your app in Pocket and get your consumer key, just plug it in there, authorise your app, and retrieve your access key. Easy peasy!
Should you buy or rent? – From the interactive map: “In the past 10 years, house prices in Chippendale increased on average 6.2 per cent a year after inflation, suggesting people may have been better off buying.” Phew!
Finally leaving work. And once again I’m reminded of @kunaal84’s long-forgotten rule: NEVER EFFING DEPLOY ON FRIDAY.
BBC News – Which sport are you made for? Take our test – Oh good grief. Netball, followed by lawn bowls (ha!) and middle-distance cycling. I’m essentially Sharon Strzelecki, aren’t I?
Impulse purchase: Princess Leia pajama pants!!
RT @webdirections: Got something to say about creative tech? Reckon you can do it in 5 mins? Submit a talk to IgniteSydney [Digital] http:/…
@ClareLouise1308 🙂
@gilmae Hahaha, I hadn’t thought of that!
@knitterjp Are you at the Bowlo? Trying to decide if I should stop in.
Impulse purchase: Princess Leia pajama pants!!