Month: July 2014
The elegant art of not giving a shit – Very timely. If my current bouts of insomnia and recurrent acid reflux are any indication, I need to get better at this.
Exercise-friendly headphones
The Quest For The Ultimate Workout Headphones – Nice. If I were still running, I’d get these.
To make elite schools ‘fair,’ city will punish poor Asians | New York Post – As second-generation Asian immigrant (in the US), this bothers me.
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I’m at Optiver for @yow_oz. Anybody else here? #yownight
RT @dcotterill: Awesome turnout at @OptiverAsiaPac for the #yownight tonight. @yow_oz
Paleo White Russian. Much needed nightcap.
@gilmae Ah, thanks. I think it’s problem with Pocket. When a story gets flagged as trending, it keeps appearing at top of RSS feed.
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Paleo White Russian. Much needed nightcap.
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Brewshare night at the Local Taphouse! Why am I the only girl here?
It seems FourSquare are no longer letting you checkin. Have to download new app. BOO. So annoying. Not happening.
Mr Snook takes his homebrew tasting notes very seriously. #brewshare @ The Local Taphouse (Darlinghurst)
Just realised this might be the first time I’ve actually met @jezfletcher face-to-face. #brewshare
Seven spiced beers in contention at #brewshare, and @the_snook got 2nd place with his beer/cider hybrid “Graff”!
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Mr Snook takes his homebrew tasting notes very seriously. #brewshare @ The Local Taphouse (Darlinghurst)
I’d watch the hell out of that.
The Case For Columbo – “If you will pardon the colloquialism, it is the Cumberbitches who are holding down the Columbros.” HA!