More photos of the best team ever!
4th company in a row we’ve worked together. #bffs
Celebrating with the Ranga Club.
More photos of the best team ever!
4th company in a row we’ve worked together. #bffs
Celebrating with the Ranga Club.
Loser selfie. I’m a little disappointed not to shake Richard Wilkins’s hand.
RT @TwitterAU: launches today. Powerful use of Twitter to tell news stories from around the world. @9newsAUS
Still eating breakfast and drinking coffee. Already answered like 4 work emails. #fml
Google’s Project Zero assembles hackers to clean up the net (Wired UK) – This is awesome. I’ve given Google a lot of shit since they killed Reader, but this is unequivocally Not Evil. They’ve created a team of Good Guy Hackers! Now I want there to be a comic book about their adventures.
Veronica Beard Navy Classic Jacket with Hoodie Dickey | SHOPBOP – That is genius, I tell you.
SydJS! Wow, really packed tonight. (at @Atlassian w/ @nolim1t)
@nolim1t @swarmapp I hate change!!
@nolim1t I still don’t like splitting apps for random reasons. 🙁
“You don’t have the face of someone who’s into robotics.” SCREW THAT. Listening to @Charlie__Gerard at #sydjs.
LeapJS NodeDrone demo at #sydjs. It’s alive!!
Wow, @Charlie__Gerard controlling drone with LeapMotion at #sydjs! @booyachi should be here. 🙂
@jeremybrown …And now I’m having RC Pro Am flashbacks. Thanks. 🙂
@booyachi @Charlie__Gerard with @twalve! Tonight! You missed it. 🙁
Interesting. Is “@” really understood as icon for “email”? Huh. #sydjs
RT @gyfchong: Feeling lonely in the foyer @sydjs Somebody let him in!! @twalve
“Designing with motion is now a core part of user design.” Great talk at #sydjs. And hey, there’s an app!
RT @JedWatson: Awesome @sydjs app reveal @bladey @borisbozic // Agree!
Congrats to @kunaal84 and his team today for delivering the all new, amazing! @ Mi9
RT @Charlie__Gerard: Thanks everyone for coming tonight and here are the slides if you need!
@knitterjp @catehstn *raises hand* I even ran knitting shop for 3yrs to escape IT. FE dev, PHP dev, BA, IM, and now management.
Congrats to @kunaalr and his team today for delivering the all new, amazing! @ Mi9