Month: July 2014
Next Level Primal: I Killed a Chicken and Ate It – Wow.
Veronica Beard Navy Classic Jacket with Hoodie Dickey | SHOPBOP – That is genius, I tell you.
Congrats to @kunaalr and his team today for delivering the all new, amazing! @ Mi9
Game Of Thrones´ Hodor is DJing a “Rave Of Thrones” tour in Australia How to Make Quinine Syrup for a Better Gin and Tonic How to Accept a Compliment With Class
easiest fridge dill pickles
Heritage Express – SCHEDULE of ALL TRAINS, EVENTS, TOURS – Steam Trains & Heritage Diesel Tours – The Grand Canyon Express has turned us into Sheldon-esque train fans.
How long does it take to improve in CrossFit? – I think I’d be all over CrossFit if not for my stupid bum knees.
Weird Al Yankovic gets ‘Tacky’ with Pharrell’s ‘Happy’ « Nerdist – I was only mildly amused until Margaret Cho appeared in yellow lederhosen. BWAHAHAHAHA!
Isn’t that amazing? And wow, she’s from Melbourne! The Snook merely sniffed, “Well, she’s no Anna Kendrick.”
brockleyboyo: “@iamdevloper: AS A: developer, I WANT: to die, SO THAT: I don´t have to work with WordPress again.” html5test: The Android Browser – if somebody tells you they tested their site on Android, laugh evilly and show them this link designsponge: I’m excited about @thehairpin ‘s RomCom Club. The first one even passes…