Month: July 2014
Dreaming of trains.
Heritage Express – SCHEDULE of ALL TRAINS, EVENTS, TOURS – Steam Trains & Heritage Diesel Tours – The Grand Canyon Express has turned us into Sheldon-esque train fans.
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Just RSVPed for Women@Google session with @Janehux next month. Looking forward to it!
@twalve Yup yup! Bunch of people from here have RSVPed, I believe. 🙂
@NickDeverell Congrats! But woah – where are you going?!
@randomknits Yay, congratulations!!
How long does it take to improve in CrossFit? – I think I’d be all over CrossFit if not for my stupid bum knees.
Weird Al Yankovic gets ‘Tacky’ with Pharrell’s ‘Happy’ « Nerdist – I was only mildly amused until Margaret Cho appeared in yellow lederhosen. BWAHAHAHAHA!
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@sydjs @twalve Is there an event on this Wednesday? A couple of the @Mi9 ers are interested in coming along!
@twalve @sydjs Fantastic – thanks!
@daphnechong Wow, very cool! Who was on your team?
They like me!
I got some surprising and awesome news today – I got nominated for the Most Outstanding New Talent Award at Mi9‘s annual kick-off. There are four of us nominated (out of 350+ employees), and we’ll find out Friday afternoon who wins. This lovely honour arrived at a really good time, as I’ve had a couple of really frustrating and tiring weeks. It’s nice to know all my hard work is being appreciated! Thank you so much to my peers who nominated me, as well as those who sent lovely emails today.