Month: July 2014
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RT @FastCoDesign: Can #Marimekko go from cult design brand to fashion empire?
@Justacogitating Which edition was it? Recent reprint or original? (He’s made changes in last 10 years…)
@Justacogitating But hang in there. Books 2 & 3 are my faves. Eddie Dean = my boyfriend.
RT @adnh103: Cinema chain Dendy is set to roll out its own movie streaming service in the next few weeks http://t.c…
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Running late to Guild like always.
Proof that the Snook’s not the only one who can pull off a silly hipster hat.
Still Who-ing at Knitters Guild. About 2/3 done according to pattern… @ Redfern Town Hall
RT @RailsGirls_AU: @lucykbain introduces how great Git is #railsgirlssyd
Was trying to find the name of a song that *just* played on @1017wsfm. Unfortunately the website is pretty useless for that. 🙁
@randomknits OI OI OI!
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Still Who-ing at Knitters Guild. About 2/3 done according to pattern… @ Redfern Town Hall
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Proof that the Snook’s not the only one who can pull off a silly hipster hat.
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@booyachi Hey, do you remember who did the hackathon logo for you? Somebody in studios?
@booyachi Haha, Annie said the same thing. Aaron somebody? We found the PSDs anyway. Thanks… 🙂
Lunch with clurt. @ Bridge Street Garage
The hat was a gift. I thought it was for ME! @ Mi9
I will admit I suits him better. @ misschu
@ChippendaleComm It’s taken from across the street at UTS though?
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I will admit it suits him better. @ misschu
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The hat was a gift. I thought it was for ME! @ Mi9
Lunch with @clurt. @ Bridge Street Garage