Month: August 2014
pourmecoffee: Do not accept the gold bucket challenge
These Cycling Desks Charge Your Phone–And Your Muscles–While You Work
Envato named Australia’s Coolest Tech Company in JobAdvisor competition – I bought a Keynote theme from Envato last year! I didn’t realise they were local. (I find it weird that Google wasn’t included in the survey by Adobe, Yahoo7, and Uber were.)
John Birmingham: Why I miss the 90s
How did the Napa earthquake affect sleep?
New-to-us vintage furniture from the Snook’s grandma: teak cabinets and telephone table. Still arranging things…
What modern beer tastes most like old-fashioned beer? – oldbeer history flavor | Ask MetaFilter – Bookmarking for the Snook.
briansolis: Your Anonymous Posts to Secret Aren´t Anonymous After All
Love the one you’re with. | MetaFilter – Interesting MeFi discussion about the “traditional” job advice to “do what you love.” For a lot of people, it turns out that “don’t do what you hate” seems to be more useful, just on the basis that everybody’s got to pay the bills. It’s interesting how this…
Epic MeFi post about “The Stand” – I read just about every link in the post, and I was inspired to buy the unabridged version for the Kindle. I’m not sure I ever read that version. I’m sad so many people seemed to dislike the miniseries though. Gary Sinise as Stu Redman is still the…