Month: August 2014

  • Enlightening.

    The Real Reason Sugar Has No Place in Cornbread | Serious Eats – Huh. I put sugar in my cornbread, simply because that’s the way the recipe in my trusted Better Homes & Gardens cookbook has it. I tend to use polenta here in Australia though – I wonder how that changes it?

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    Tsumugi Who scarf, 99% finished. (Just a few more ends to weave in.) #pensive #sickie #headache

    Tsumugi Who scarf, 99% finished. (Just a few more ends to weave in.) #pensive #sickie #headache

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    Holy crap, an ALDI *is* going in at Broadway? AWESOME! @toastman

    @drkknits No, I still got it. Why, you wanna go??

    @drkknits Rodd’s away from Saturday in the US for two weeks. If you want to come visit for a while!

    @codepo8 I’ve also heard of prominent male speakers refusing to participate if women aren’t represented. I appreciated that.

    Behold my new bus nemesis: the hipster dickhead who sputters incredulously, “No Opal? There’s no Opal?!”

    Finally determined how long a proper Dr. Who scarf should be knitted. Answer: to the point where you’re sick of it, and no further.

    @halcrawford You should be video-ing it. Probably go viral. 🙂

    Tsumugi Who scarf, 99% finished. (Just a few more ends to weave in.) #pensive #sickie #headache

  • Hey, I know them.

    Envato named Australia’s Coolest Tech Company in JobAdvisor competition – I bought a Keynote theme from Envato last year! I didn’t realise they were local. (I find it weird that Google wasn’t included in the survey by Adobe, Yahoo7, and Uber were.)

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    @johnallsopp What insurance company? I use GIO and had iPhone stolen a few years ago. Deductible of $100 and they covered the rest.

    @JennaPrice This is an issue I’m pretty passionate about. I’d suggest @nickyringland for a start! @upulie

    @JennaPrice @nickyringland @upulie I’m sure she’ll see these tweets sooner or later! She’s usually quick to respond.

    @JennaPrice @upulie No problems. Let me know if you need any other folks to chase… 🙂

    @JennaPrice My college roommate @emd3737 is actually a biologist in Melbourne. She’s worth a call! I can send you her details.

    @drkknits Do you need to do anything today? Can you just get the hell away? We’ll take care of you.

    @drkknits Ha. We joke about the fact that Dr. Amy wasn’t grumpy until we got her. We make our pets in our own image, always.

    @drwitty_knitter @drkknits @snadrahw *backing away very slooooowly…* 🙂

    @gilmae Huh. I thought I made it totally not case sensitive. Hm.

    @gilmae It went through and I approved. (If you’re on a different IP, I hold in case you’re a spammer.)

    @gilmae Nah, just the crockery hutch one. Also, I’ll need to see a picture. 🙂

    @gilmae Oh wow. That’s actually very tempting. Do you know anything about it? Is it actually old, or something that just looks old?

    @gilmae @randomknits The issue is there is a piano right where it would go. And @the_snook has veto rights for that. OOH, WANNA SWAP??

    @gilmae @the_snook We are viciously decluttering. Have culled the books by a third, with more to come.

    @drkknits Oh Dr. K. I was looking at puppy photos of her on your site. Dracarys.

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    New-to-us vintage furniture from the Snook's grandma: teak cabinets and telephone table. Still arranging things...

    New-to-us vintage furniture from the Snook’s grandma: teak cabinets and telephone table. Still arranging things…