Month: August 2014

  • Shared on Instagram

    I made a Persian Love Cake for my love. Salad Niçoise I made for lunch today. Fancy.


  • jennijenni: Australia’s video on demand war. These are the main players and what is going down: via @mashable


  • Reading on Flipboard

    A big chunk of the Mythbusters team is leaving Ora-Ïto’s Nikeames trainer is an homage to Charles and Ray 5 Unique Kitchen Gadgets for Under $100 Remo Williams is coming back to the big screen, thanks to Shane Black Old Coders: When Programming Is a Second Career


  • Bikes

    Coming Soon To A Pole Near You: A Bike That Locks Itself : The Two-Way : NPR – Cool! Of course, I haven’t ridden my bike in ages because of my knees. I’m actually thinking of selling it. Anybody interested?


  • Purchased.

    Paprika Recipe Manager for iPad, iPhone, Mac, and Android. – After several years of using Paprika on the iPad, I just bought the Mac version. Recommended.


  • First world problems: why picky eaters are wasteful | Lifeandstyle | The Guardian – I think our veggie box delivery was a big part of destroying the last of my food issues. Now I regularly eat mushrooms, celeriac, green beans, coriander, silverbeet, chard, Brussels sprouts, radishes, fennel, and more. We haven’t actually opted-out of anything,…


  • So cute.

    A Four-Year-Old Reviews the French Laundry – The Bold Italic – San Francisco – I’m impressed they serve four-year-olds there!


  • Anthropomorphic

    Look at what two years on Mars did to the Curiosity Rover | The Verge – Those pictures made me oddly sad. Poor little robot. I wonder if I would’ve felt the same way if I’d never seen WALL-E?


  • Rellarc79: Heh heh heh: Dilbert Daily Strip: 2014-08-21:


  • Reading on Flipboard

    Is Breakfast Overrated?
