The 100 Best Episodes of the 1994-95 TV Season — Vulture – Someone make a YouTube playlist NOW.
Month: September 2014
I love this.
Rigorous Geometry Contrasting A Peaceful Natural Landscape: 4 Springs Lane Residence in Virginia – LOVE. Completely impractical, but still my dream house.
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@captainsinkers Saw this out of the corner of my eye and went to share the link with you – then realised you posted it. 🙂
What the hell is up with the smoke pouring from the roof of the building at George & Jamison in the CBD?!
Holy shit now actual flames.
@pyko @virtualwolf We could see the fireball on the roof!
@diversionary Um, yeah. YOU HAVE BLOWN MY MIND. Booking tickets.
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Big Cake Bake spread, including my Kitty Litter Cake! @ Mi9
Proof that people actually ate my cake!
@gilmae Choc cake, white cake, custard, cookies, and candy bars (for the poos). Basically a trifle!
Photo post
Big Cake Bake spread, including my Kitty Litter Cake! @ Mi9
Proof that people actually ate my cake!