Should You Refrigerate Tomatoes? Further Testing Says… | Serious Eats – I love science that overturns dogma, especially cooking dogma. And bonus points for the shade thrown at Alton Brown!
Month: September 2014
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You know how you have a bad day, and you think, hey, things can only look up! That was last week. And I was wrong.
Lawson = Australia’s new boyfriend. #bbau
Travis is the WORST. What are you doing, Aisha?! #BBAU
@RoseRed_Shoes Heh. I didn’t know you were a fan! I’m watching because, uh, work. Right @lemon_lime?
To paraphrase Ben Franklin, “Beer is a sign that @the_snook loves me and wants me to be happy.”
I Had a Stroke at 33 – This made me tear up.
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I decided last night the universe clearly wants me to read the Outlander books. So I bought the first one on Kindle. Yowza. @imdominating
@RoseRed_Shoes Unputdownable so far! Haven’t seen show but I’ve read a lot of reviews. Need to figure out how to watch it without Foxtel.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Oh, I’m in no way disapproving. I prefer to pay if it’s easy, but I hate companies that make it difficult.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits This review of the Wedding ep (and emphasis on female gaze) is what caught my attention.
@redambition Long-standing fave? I remember when it was a Shakespeare’s Pies.
I may never have a talk show, but tonight a thing my team built influenced TV in real time. I’m kinda amazed by that.
@gilmae Big Brother poll to determine a $30K prize. Not curing cancer, but a job well done nonetheless!
@clepetit Me!
RT @clepetit: Who uses twitter, iOS8, maybe Game Center, likes betas & has patience to wait while I sort out testflight stuff? (& wants to …
@mobywhale @ignitesydney I’m going! Along with a couple other folks from @Mi9.
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@mattallen Broadway shopping center had a big demo display for the new Nokia Windows phone with some sad lonely spruikers yesterday.
In spite of the Aussie citizenship, rdrktr is still a Yank when it comes to Costco. @ Costco
We filled every spare inch of the @goget car! @ Costco
@drwitty_knitter We normally get a station wagon, but @lemon_lime said there aren’t any near his place in Blues Point!
I’ve been busy. #nanapuddin
@RoseRed_Shoes Nah, sorry. Didn’t really go into the outdoor furniture section.
Photo post
I’ve been busy. #nanapuddin
Photo post
We filled every spare inch of the @gogetcarshare car! @ Costco
In spite of the Aussie citizenship, @rdrktr is still a Yank when it comes to Costco. @ Costco