Month: September 2014

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    The moment @rdrktr and @jamiegriego took the oath and became 'Strine!

    The moment @rdrktr and @jamiegriego took the oath and became ‘Strine!

    Patriotic selfie with @pineapplecat1234 ahead of @rdrktr and @jamiegriego's citizenship ceremony!

    Patriotic selfie with @pineapplecat1234 ahead of @rdrktr and @jamiegriego’s citizenship ceremony! @ Hutley Hall. North Sydney Council Chambers

  • I appreciated this.

    25 Famous Women on Childlessness — The Cut – I was amused to learn that the Snook and I are basically Ellen and Portia here. (I also really liked Jennifer Westfeldt’s quote.)

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    @randomknits Have you ever heard of “It Stays” body adhesive? Apparently dancers use it to keep socks up? Never seen it on Oz.

    @randomknits Cool, thanks. (I WILL CONQUER NO SHOW SOCKS THIS SUMMER, I SWEAR TO GOD.)

    @gilmae @randomknits Women’s fashion sometimes requires you to look like you’re not wearing socks. But not wearing socks is gross.

    @gilmae @randomknits So they make special sock-ette things that don’t show. But they also have a tendency to get eaten by your shoes.

    Wow. Lots of @SydneyGA folks here at #sydjs tonight!

    TIL: my coworker actually takes notes during #sydjs. I am all astonishment.

    +10 points for the 1337 reference. #sydjs

    Okay, so I was ironically cheering for #lawsonbbau the magician before, but now it’s real. GO THE SENSITIVE SMART MAGICIAN WITH BICEPS.

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    @webdirections @johnallsopp Turns out we have well more than 5 Mi9ers going this year! Is the team option still available retroactively? 🙂

    @johnallsopp @webdirections Woooo! I’ll email you with a list of the names. 🙂

    @webdirections Email sent. Any excuse to get @johnallsopp to come visit the office! 🙂

    @maxine Hey, thanking about WebDirections code next year. Do you guys accept speaker submissions or just privately line up people?

    @maxine Cool! I’ll keep it in mind. Let me know when you put the call for proposals. 🙂

    RT @KateHeppell: If Scotland becomes independent, what happens to Hogwarts? WHY IS NOBODY ASKING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS?

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    @pyko @WWCSyd Just saw laser cut code event! What level of programming exp is required/assumed?

    @WWCSyd SWEET! I’m there. 🙂

    RT @kidnoble: Unbelievably accurate.

    @drkknits I get your point, but to this day, I think of myself as a girl. So I rarely take offense at such things.

    @Gidgetknits @drkknits Possibly an American thing, but I’d go with “guys” as counterpart.

    @drkknits @drwitty_knitter We’ve had some debate at @GGDSydney over whether “Girl” in name puts some people off. (While others hate “Geek.”)

    @drkknits @drwitty_knitter And oddly, I get very sensitive over need to be Ms. rather than Miss or Missus. Maybe I’m just weird.

    @drkknits @drwitty_knitter I agree with you in university context. I would find that patronising. No arguments there.

    @drkknits @drwitty_knitter “Women” just seems terribly grown up and sophisticated to me in a way I don’t identify with.

    @drkknits @drwitty_knitter Incidentally, was reading article this morning on death of “adult/grown up” in culture.

    @drkknits @drwitty_knitter Ah, but problem there isn’t the word Girls. “Women do science SQUEEE!” is just as gross and barfy.

    @drkknits @drwitty_knitter Ha! Well, if talking about brassieres and other mature things, women def seems warranted.

    @drkknits @drwitty_knitter Boys + anything vaguely sex-related would have been more problematic I guess.

    @KylieSaunder Excellent! That’s two of us spearheading the movement. 🙂

    Finally caught my first Opal-enabled bus to work! (Most of the Broadway buses still don’t have it.) @TheOpalUser

    One problem: without a stamped ticket, I can’t check what bus I’m on! Sometimes I forget, and some stop different places. @TheOpalUser