Month: September 2014

  • A queue around the block?!

    Cow and Moon: what it’s like when your local gets ruined – I went there once. It was okay. Guess I’ll never get in again!

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    @garethrhughes I just use Tweetdeck in the browser everywhere. Don’t like it?

    @lifeasdaddy Weird. It could be roving or tops. You can knit with that, although very bulky and fuzzy and fragile.

    @brown_note @neil_killick Just saw you on Scrum speakers list. Congrats! My team IM is going along. Will tell her to go to your session. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I don’t even recognise Jake without his stupid tropical shirt. #BBAU

    RT @behindbb: This. #bbau #bbaukatie

    Very sad lack of Lawson the Magician tonight. Boo to hangry people. DO SOME ILLUSIONS, YO. #BBAU

    Wow. Very drinking. Much funny. So necessary. @ 99 on YORK

    RT @Mr_Finn_McCool: I’m a Gamer, and so can you.

  • Hi Mom.

    Advice to your forty year old self. – 40s forties age | Ask MetaFilter – “This may not apply universally, but if there is one thing I wish I could tell my younger self — every. single. day. — it’s simply, ‘Call your mother.’”

    I’m 37 and I sent my Mom a message in tears this week: “I want my Mom!” I really should call more often.

  • Photo post

    Wow. Very drinking. Much funny. So necessary.

    Wow. Very drinking. Much funny. So necessary. @ 99 on YORK

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    At Central Park for SheSays Sydney creative talk. I am definitely not cool enough for this crowd. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @blakepup $2000 baby food maker. Essentially.

    Cool. @caitlinmoran being name checked at SheSays Sydney event about portraying women in images.

    RT @GettyImagesANZ: Micha Schwing presents on Female Rising at SheSays event in Sydney. Can we #RePicture the world and women?โ€ฆ

    RT @garethrhughes: I know there was a new apple device revealed because my timeline is full of android users being smug.

    Too much jabbering from the randos. GO BACK TO THE MAGICIAN, BIG BRO! #BBAU

    OMG. @lemon_lime and I got featured on the @9jumpin #BBAU live blog! @lozzboland @emd3737

    @lozzboland @emd3737 My team at work built the website. We’re all online making sure it works properly. ๐Ÿ™‚

    “Even when I was talking about magic, his face just wasn’t interested.” #lol #magician #BBAU

    RT @laura_warne: Time to break out the pigtails RT @lexinyt: My childhood dream of becoming Penny Gadget is finally within reach http://t.cโ€ฆ

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    @daphnechong Really wish Iโ€™d been there. ๐Ÿ™ Good night?

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    RT @TheQuinnspiracy: Good analysis on #gamergate and how and why it happened the way it did.

    Incredibly proud of the @Mi9 @9jumpin team for their phenomenal work on this year’s #BBAU site. They delivered.

    The Big Brother live blog is happening! #BBAU

    RT @BBAU9: Play along with #BBAU at home and be part of the show as it happens! Big Brotherโ€™s LIVE News Feed is now active:โ€ฆ

    Big Brother – 2014 | 9jumpin – SOCIAL RADAR IS LIVE!

    Absolutely fantastic day for my team, but suddenly feeling like insomnia and stress catching up to me. Virus incoming. Misery.

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    Woohoo! ND is up 21-0 over Michigan? Nice start to Sunday.

    Reading @TheQuinnspiracy’s #GameOverGate takedown, and it is glorious.

    . @redambition I’m pledging to @TheQuinnspiracy’s Patreon right now.

    @garethrhughes No, no. The story is that it WASN’T all gamers. Just a handful of dicks on IRC trolling everybody.

    @garethrhughes That’s why YOU should be angry. Because whatever legit grievance you have, they used it as cover and ruined it.

    @drkknits As soon as you said that, it came over cloudy here. #yourfault

    @AndrewMamo Very nice. I didn’t realise your Instagram water photos were part of an actual series. I just thought it was a Thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Waving to the @Mi9 @9jumpin crew at #yowconnected! @guedes_bruno @yow_oz