Month: October 2014

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    RG rdrktr: Watch out, Boba Frock the bounty hunter is lurking about the office! // Happy Halloween!

    #frocktober day 31. THE LAST ONE! Homemade Parfait dress from @colettepatterns and high-top Chucks.…

    31 days of different dresses. I made it! #EverythingCounts

    @msharp @mobywhale What, what? I didn’t know @maxine was leaving! Oh no! Definitely a sad farewell. 🙁

    @VenessaHunt @lemon_lime Ooh, who’s that?

    @alfinitum I for one welcome our new fly overlords.

    Tonight’s Halloween cooking involves pumpkin pavlova. That’s right, haters. IMMA GET ALL PUNKIN SPICE ON YOUR NATIONAL DESSERT. SUCK IT.

    @drkknits Nah, it’s essentially a normal pav, but you top it with a custardy pumpkin mixture. I made it before and even @gilmae liked it. 🙂

    @drkknits I’m also making pumpkin baklava too, which is a new one for me. Sure you can’t come? 😉

    @gilmae Hmm. Pumpkin lamington. Filing that idea for next year….

    @gilmae The Snook was just musing how you could make a pumpkin lamington that incorporates real pumpkin “like a pumpkin scone.”

    @gilmae Now we are debating the philosophical question of whether coconut is the defining characteristic of a lamington.

    @redambition I got a membership. If you drive, I’ll get you in. Win win! 🙂

    @gilmae @redambition WTF is a surfie boy? Siri was stumped. Rodd said, “No idea. Bloody Queenslanders.”

    @redambition @gilmae Ahh, he recognised sunny boys. (Autocorrect fail I assume). But his mother didn’t let him eat fun things like that.

    @gilmae Isn’t that… just… pumpkin pie?

    @gilmae Haha! Yes! We’ll take it however we can get it.

    @stufromoz @drwitty_knitter I know all that. I still think it’s silly and hypocritical when so many Oz/Kiwis embrace other U.S. things.

    @stufromoz @drwitty_knitter In other words, I think Halloween hate here is now its own tradition. And that’s sad because Halloween is fun!

    @stufromoz @drwitty_knitter There are so many worse examples of US cultural imperialism that should be protested instead that aren’t.

    @stufromoz @drwitty_knitter Yes. I read every bit. It’s a regurgitation of many other articles I’ve read over the years.

    @stufromoz @drwitty_knitter Halloween = online whinging every year, but not McDonald’s or Big Bang Theory or Justin Timberlake or Simpsons.

    @stufromoz @drwitty_knitter I’m not saying I don’t agree with the argument. Just that y’all are fighting one of the BETTER imports.

    @drwitty_knitter I am smiling through all the photos of kids in costumes on my FB wall. So even without them, it’s pretty fun. 🙂

    @drwitty_knitter I mean, my nieces as Charlotte and Wilbur? Cutest thing ever, right?!

    @drkknits @drwitty_knitter @stufromoz Like Christmas or Easter?

    This is an item off his bucket list, to be sure. #myheston

  • Frocktober complete!

    I’m very happy to announce that I successfully completed Frocktober 2014 wearing a different dress* every single day of the month. That’s crazy. A few years ago, I wouldn’t have had more than a handful of frocks in total! Some are bought new; some are secondhand finds; and more than a few were actually made by me. I’m actually really proud of that! Not to mention that fact that so far my supporters have donated more than $800 towards ovarian cancer research. Thank you so much! YOU GUYS ROCK.

    * Yeah, yeah. One day was a skirt. But I balanced that out with a Protect Your Privates OCRF t-shirt, so I’m counting it!

    Frocktober 2014

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    #frocktober day 31. THE LAST ONE! Homemade Parfait dress from @colettepatterns and high-top Chucks. Thanks to everyone who donated and cheered me on!

    #frocktober day 31. THE LAST ONE! Homemade Parfait dress from @colettepatterns and high-top Chucks. Thanks to everyone who donated and cheered me on!

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    RG @rdrktr: Watch out, Boba Frock the bounty hunter is lurking about the office! // Happy Halloween!

    RG @rdrktr: Watch out, Boba Frock the bounty hunter is lurking about the office! // Happy Halloween!

  • Fair enough.

    Trick or Treat? Bob Brewer on Pumpkin Beers and Halloween | Anchor Brewing Blog – For what it’s worth, these are the same arguments the Snook has for not brewing pumpkin beer.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Got a young daughter or niece who might be interested in coding? Check out this Meetup with Women Who Code Sydney!

    #frocktober day 30. Back to twee! A dress I haven’t been able to fit in a very long time. (Special…

    “22 Panels” Opening Exhibition. Great to catch up with Anton and fight the crowd to see his artwork! – with Rodd

    RG frocktoberinc. Only one more day to go! If you want to contribute to ovarian cancer research, my…

    The true spirit of Halloween. (This pleases me immensely.)

    The zipper on my final #frocktober dress has been replaced and appears to be holding. HUZZAH! I’m gonna make it!

    RT @CNET: Tim Cook: ‘So let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay’

    @stufromoz @Maab BOOOO! I’m in Sydney and I’m going to wish people a Happy Halloween. Probably while wearing a Boba Fett helmet.

    RT @sharonw: Halloween can get really resource-intensive when it falls on a Friday. I needed four separate costumes this year o_o

    @stufromoz @Maab *sigh* It always makes me sad when Aussies selectively decide multiculturism sucks for American stuff.

    @stufromoz @Maab Halloween is awesome! What’s wrong with costumes and parties and food? Cutting off your nose to spite some Yank faces. 🙂

    @stufromoz Uh, nowhere does U.S. claim to be Christian. It’s deliberately NOT in the Constitution. Our head of state is of head of a church.

    @stufromoz @Maab The awesome thing is that Halloween came from immigrants. Something the US picked up from them and celebrated.

    @stufromoz @Maab Australia could perhaps learn something there. 🙂 (Now no more arguing. I have to get my costume ready!)

    @stufromoz Unlike, say, here. #pot #kettle

    RT @Salon: #Gamergate broke my heart: @arthur_affect on how the movement gave gamers a bad name…

    @stufromoz @Maab Well, you’re not gettin’ an invite to the Totally Rad Halloween BBQ, that’s for sure! 🙂

    Odd, I never see Aussie lefties complain about Chinese New Year parade, Parramatta Deepvali Fair, Eid in the Park, etc.

    But it took all of six minutes of being awake today to see the “Halloween sucks because it’s American” meme rear its head. 🙁

    I mean, I get the “drunken assholes use it as an excuse to be drunken assholes” thing. But that goes for everything, right?

    It’s not like I tell my Irish co-worker not to say “Happy St. Patrick’s Day”.

    @mobywhale Thank you! I tell @haruki_t and Varun that all the time. 🙂

    @gilmae Oh, I see it and I get it. I really do. But you can pry my pumpkin pie out of my cold dead hands! 😛

    @gilmae I just don’t get why the solution is banning American stuff instead of encouraging more of everybody’s stuff. I want MORE PARTIES!

    @gilmae I always say I’d LOVE to go to Diwali parties and Burns Night parties and Bar Mitzvahs and everything else. Why not?

    @gilmae Oh, ignore away! I got all ranty over a silly meme of Batman slapping Robin for even daring to say Happy Halloween in Australia.

    @mintie Yes! Exactly! 🙂

    @mintie @handmethepanda @gilmae I am with you 100% on coffee.

    @gilmae I should start a #halloweengate hashtag. THEYRE TRYIN TO TAKE MAH HALLOWEEN AWAY! 😛

    @pinkcatknits Thanks! 🙂

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    The true spirit of Halloween. (This pleases me immensely.)

    The true spirit of Halloween. (This pleases me immensely.)