Month: October 2014

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    #frocktober day 12. Homemade retro dress. Feeling a bit seedy from all the wine, but ready for last #mudgeesmuggler events!

    #frocktober day 12. Homemade retro dress. Feeling a bit seedy from all the wine, but ready for last #mudgeesmuggler events!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Doing my part to support the Mudgee economy. Found the perfect Saltwater Sandals! #mudgeesmuggler @…

    The Mudgee markets are the place to be on Saturday morning! Good thing I brought a shopping bag.…

    @drkknits Yay! Got randomly sorted into the di Lusso lunch group. Heading there now.

    Learning about the history of di Lusso estate. Absolutely perfect day for Italian food and wine…

    RT @daphnechong: @web_goddess all these tweets about mudgee food and wine are giving me itchy feet!

    @daphnechong Haha, that’s the idea! Bring a bunch of bloggers here and inspire them to tweet like mad. 🙂

    Thank you to blahblahmagazine for probably the most accurate photo of me this #mudgeesmuggler weekend.…

    Robert giving us a tour of his vines at di Lusso estate. #mudgeesmuggler @ Di Lusso Estate Mudgee

    @alfinitum Yes, and Belle is lovely! 🙂

    @drkknits Yay! I’m so glad @smark31 liked it. 🙂

    I know some argue “cellar door” is the most beautiful phrase in English, but I reckon “chorizo…

    Me: “Is that where you squash the grapes with your feet?” Tim: “Only if we can find enough virgins.”…

    Sculpture in the Garden. Some cultcha to go with all the wine! #mudgeesmuggler @ Rosby Wines, Mudgee

    Surprise stop! Baker Williams Distillery. I couldn’t go past the cumquat liqueur. #mudgeesmuggler @…

    @LynShoemark It looks fantastic! I’m so happy you like it. 🙂

    @MattAkersten Otherwise…. SPLAT! #mudgeesmuggler

    Blacker from bunnamagoo telling us about their wonderful sparkling. #mudgeesmuggler @ Roth’s Wine Bar

    Learning about @wmwcmudgee and trying the rosé. #mudgeesmuggler @ Roth’s Wine Bar

    @RoseRed_Shoes It was an act of concerted bravery.

    I think I’ve hit peak wine. Ready to go home now.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Actually that was the soberest part of the day!

    #frocktober day 12. Homemade retro dress. Feeling a bit seedy from all the wine, but ready for last…

    The first time in my life I’ve had champagne before 9am. #mudgeesmuggler @ Pipeclay Pumphouse

    RT @TheQuinnspiracy: “@Kotaku: This has got to stop:” THANK YOU

    Bubbles. #mudgeesmuggler @ Pipeclay Pumphouse

    A winery with a vintage motorcycle museum? My Dad would love this. #mudgeesmuggler @ Robert Stein Winery

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    Learning about @wellmanneredwinecomudgee and trying the rosé. #mudgeesmuggler

    Learning about @wellmanneredwinecomudgee and trying the rosé. #mudgeesmuggler @ Roth’s Wine Bar

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    Blacker from @bunnamagoo telling us about their wonderful sparkling. #mudgeesmuggler

    Blacker from @bunnamagoo telling us about their wonderful sparkling. #mudgeesmuggler @ Roth’s Wine Bar

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    Surprise stop! Baker Williams Distillery. I couldn't go past the cumquat liqueur. #mudgeesmuggler

    Surprise stop! Baker Williams Distillery. I couldn’t go past the cumquat liqueur. #mudgeesmuggler @ Baker Williams Distillery

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    Sculpture in the Garden. Some cultcha to go with all the wine! #mudgeesmuggler

    Sculpture in the Garden. Some cultcha to go with all the wine! #mudgeesmuggler @ Rosby Wines, Mudgee

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    @mudgeeregion #mudgeesmuggler

    Me: “Is that where you squash the grapes with your feet?” Tim: “Only if we can find enough virgins.” @mudgeeregion #mudgeesmuggler @ Huntington Estate Winery

    I know some argue cellar door is the most beautiful phrase in English, but I reckon chorizo workshop is right up there. #mudgeesmuggler

    I know some argue “cellar door” is the most beautiful phrase in English, but I reckon “chorizo workshop” is right up there. #mudgeesmuggler @ Huntington Estate Winery

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    Robert giving us a tour of his vines at di Lusso estate. #mudgeesmuggler

    Robert giving us a tour of his vines at di Lusso estate. #mudgeesmuggler @ Di Lusso Estate Mudgee

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    Thank you to @blahblahmagazine for probably the most accurate photo of me this #mudgeesmuggler weekend.

    Thank you to @blahblahmagazine for probably the most accurate photo of me this #mudgeesmuggler weekend. @ Di Lusso Estate Mudgee

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    Learning about the history of di Lusso estate. Absolutely perfect day for Italian food and wine alfresco. #mudgeesmuggler

    Learning about the history of di Lusso estate. Absolutely perfect day for Italian food and wine alfresco. #mudgeesmuggler @ Di Lusso Estate Mudgee