Month: October 2014

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    RG @frocktoberinc. Only one more day to go! Massive thanks to those who've already donated - I'm over $700 so far!

    RG @frocktoberinc. Only one more day to go! Massive thanks to those who’ve already donated – I’m over $700 so far!

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    #frocktober day 30. Back to twee! A dress I haven't been able to fit in a very long time. (Special cameo by @kellyandrine's feet.)

    #frocktober day 30. Back to twee! A dress I haven’t been able to fit in a very long time. (Special cameo by @kellyandrine’s feet.)

  • Heh.

    Lay Off the Artisanal Ice, You Ignorant Hipsters | Mother Jones – Here’s where I admit I actually spent time at Peter’s of Kensington last weekend looking for a kit or mold to make giant artisanal ice for the Snook’s Negronis. (Didn’t find one.)

  • THR1VE.Me Primal Symposium March 2015

    G’Day, Australia – The Primal Hotbed – Wow, Mark Sisson is headlining the THR1VE.Me Primal conference in Sydney in March. I’m almost kind of tempted. I’ve fallen off the paleo/primal wagon so many times in the past few years, but I still recognise that it’s the best way of eating for my body. Can I justify $795 though?

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    @fitbit Got your email with offer for new devices, but when I click the discount link, I get a 404. Any ideas? 🙁

    @fitbit Nevermind. It’s because my store was set to Australia. Once I changed to US, it works!

    Woohoo! After nearly a year, the new @9jumpin home page is alive. Great work, team.

    YOW! Night talk on “instantly better presentations.” Looking forward to getting some tips! (@ Optiver)

    “Competence is the key to confidence.” That’s where success in presenting starts. #yownight

    Discussing possible evolutionary basis for primates modelling response on individual’s behaviour. Interesting. #yownight

    Best presenter ever? I was expecting Steve Jobs, but David Attenborough is an inspired choice. #yownight

    Imposter Syndrome is a “mental defect of competent people.” HA! Need to learn to retrain our minds. #yownight

    #frocktober day 29. A little more goth to balance out the twee. Black Super Spy Dress from…


    @kattjera More of a winter ensemble really. Damn global warning made it tricky to fit in! 🙂

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    #frocktober day 29. A little more goth to balance out the twee. Black Super Spy Dress from @heartofhaute, purple @welovecolors tights, and Doc Martens.

    #frocktober day 29. A little more goth to balance out the twee. Black Super Spy Dress from @heartofhaute, purple @welovecolors tights, and Doc Martens.

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    RG @jpofoz: Great costumes! #timehop // Halloween 3 years ago! I felt so KICKASS as Wonder Woman. :)

    RG @jpofoz: Great costumes! #timehop // Halloween 3 years ago! I felt so KICKASS as Wonder Woman. 🙂

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    #frocktober day 28. PINK! Homemade Hazel sundress from @colettepatterns.

    @railey180 Damn, I’ll be on holiday for both. Thanks for the tag though!

    @kattjera Thanks! The fabric is weird – I didn’t realise when I bought it that it crinkles no matter how much you iron. That annoys me.

    @drkknits WTF does “family meals” even mean? Just the fact that we eat at home at the same time? THAT’S JUST BECAUSE WE’RE TIGHTARSES.

    @randomknits Oh wow. Hope you’re okay. How did you know it needed to be removed? I am paranoid – never been to a dermatologist.

    @randomknits Rodd says it’s mostly you Aussies who have to worry, what with your childhoods coinciding with ozone hole.

    RT @knitterjp: Great costumes! #timehop // Hey, that’s me! 🙂

    RG @knitterjp: Great costumes! #timehop // Halloween 3 years ago! I felt so KICKASS as Wonder Woman. 🙂