Month: October 2014
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It’s that time of the year again, the Jacaranda blossom is so pretty ♡ // My favourite time of year!
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Donating books to the Op Shop! (@ Cat Protection Society of NSW in Enmore, New South Wales)
Well played, Bunnings. And only $4! (at @Bunnings Warehouse in Alexandria, NSW)
@redambition @Bunnings I’m definitely buying one. They really should’ve put together a proper Halloween display though!
Christmas chaos in October. Ugh. But we are now the proud owners of a KitchenAid meat grinder. – with Rodd
I’m at Meat Emporium in Alexandria, New South Wales
Oh hell yes. – with Rodd (at @AldiAustralia in Waterloo, NSW)
#frocktober day 25. Aloha.
@yow_oz Fantastic – thanks! Now to think of a topic. 🙂
@drkknits @randomknits Just as bad here. One scarf and one strip (for the blanket) thus far this year. 🙁
@drkknits I did? Well, they’re mostly more work than they merit in deliciousness. But I couldn’t resist the novelty of an actual kit.
Ooh, @randomknits, what do you think of this? I think I like it.
@randomknits Yeah, my worry too.
Smocky goodness.
Our latest pattern – The Alice Dress/Top – Ooh. I like this.
Stoutness Exercises
The Advanced 7-Minute Workout – – Bookmarking.
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#frocktober day 25. Aloha.
Porn star Lisa Ann on her relationship with Notre Dame wide receiver Justin Brent: – I had two immediate thoughts: 1) Whoa! Gettin’ busy is explicitly forbidden in the Student Handbook! He’s gonna get in trouble! 2) GOOD FOR HER.
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Team USA is #1! #diversitydrinks
Don’t we look like we’re enjoying the Budweiser? #shudder #diversitydrinks
The North Korean burger was… not a hit. #diversitydrinks
@msharp Hahaha… I was ironic, I swear. 🙂
@msharp Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be at either. Some of my team will be at Web Directions though! I’m just crazy busy.
Bruno the Brazilian was mixing caipirinhas in a protein shaker! #diversitydrinks
Team Australia: Fat Yak, fairy bread, and Tim Tams v#diversitydrinks
Team Mexico: pork cracklings, nacho chips, and some beautiful homemade guacamole. #diversitydrinks
#frocktober day 24. Silk dress and sneakers. Because Friday.
@catehstn It was a joke from our (South) Korean art director. 🙂
End of the week. Lolita cocktail. @ Knox Street Bar
This is crazy good. Aphex Twin + Taylor Swift. I am down the rabbit hole.
Photo post
End of the week. Lolita cocktail. @ Knox Street Bar