Month: October 2014

  • Camp Creative

    Ten years ago, I went to a five day summer craft camp called Camp Creative with my mother-in-law. I’ve been on the email newsletter list ever since. I just happened to look at this year’s classes… and I’m BLOWN AWAY. So many potential zombie apocalypse training courses!

    Okay, maybe not that last one. But still. Don’t you think the rag-tag bunch of survivors rebuilding humanity might like to listen to some harp music each night?

  • MONA

    Tasmanian Devil – The New Yorker – An article about David Walsh, the weird, weird guy behind the creation of the Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart, Tasmania. We’re going there next month. (It has a poop machine.)

  • Frocktober

    Just reminding folks that Frocktober isn’t just a fun hashtag – it’s actually raising money for a really great cause. If you’d like to donate to ovarian cancer research, my fundraiser page is here.

  • Good grief.

    Quinnspiracy / What To Expect When You’re Expecting (the internet to ruin your life) – “Try and remember if there’s any places you have accounts for that you might have forgotten. For example, they got into a account I had made and forgot about to try and send someone a pizza. It can be especially damaging if that account is automatically set up to charge any of your accounts.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

  • Photo post

    #frocktober day 20. A serious work conference demands polka dots.

    #frocktober day 20. A serious work conference demands polka dots.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    #frocktober day 19. More vintage polyester for watching football and sewing.

    RT @BuildaLibrary: My daughter wanted to be Han Solo for Halloween and asked me to be Princess Leia. Thanks for the assist @HerUniverse! ht…

    Bookmarking for future: Galloway talk on digital winners and losers as recommended by @davidthodey . #telstrasummit

    RT @Telstra: CEO @davidthodey presenting at #telstrasummit. Stream live:

    Process improvement will only get you so far. You have to put yourself in the place of the customer – advocacy. @davidthodey #TelstraSummit

    No expense accounts at Telstra? *mind blown* #TelstraSummit

    RT @nsmale: “You can’t treat customers well if you don’t treat each other well internally.”-@davidthodey Awesome sentiment #TelstraSummit

    Using Twitter to hijack meetings with their own partners. HA! Brilliant. @joefernandez #TelstraSummit

    Consumers don’t trust brands – they trust each other. (Suddenly tempted to look up my @klout score.) @joefernandez #TelstraSummit

    @nsmale @JoeFernandez Same, although as I’m not a dude, I’d just say he seemed really cool. (Girls like beer too!)

    Selfies are human emoticons. Hmm. #TelstraSummit @briansolis

    @nsmale No offence taken – was just trying to parse “dude” as a compliment. 🙂

    “There are only 2 ways to influence human behaviour: manipulate it or inspire it.” Jedi-like wisdom from @briansolis. #TelstraSummit

    I’m not sure, but I think you lose Klout by pronouncing gif without the hard G, @briansolis. #jifhorror #TelstraSummit

  • Photo post

    #frocktober day 19. More vintage polyester for watching football and sewing.

    #frocktober day 19. More vintage polyester for watching football and sewing.

  • Photo post

    Sunday recovery brekkie: Sweet Blueberry Lemon Puffed Omelet.

    Sunday recovery brekkie: Sweet Blueberry Lemon Puffed Omelet.