My favorite iOS 8 features, big and small | – Great article with some tips and tricks I hadn’t figured out yet. Making actual phone calls from my MacBook feels so tomorrow!
Month: November 2014
Jericho Hill, eh?
Stephen King: The Rolling Stone Interview | Rolling Stone – My favourite part of the interview is when they ask him about his relationship with money.
I like to have money to buy books and go to movies and buy music and stuff. To me, the greatest thing in the world is downloading TV shows on iTunes because there are no commercials, and yet if I were a working stiff, I could never afford to do this. But I don’t even think about money. I have two amazing things in my life: I’m pain-free and I’m debt-free. Money means I can support my family and still do what I love. Not very many people can say that in this world, and not many writers can say that.
That’s pretty much the same goal the Snook and I have.
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Reading: “Pepsi admits to testing Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew on human subjects”
@Lackadazy You are not alone.
@janiematts Sounds great! Did they expand their menu? I remember it just being on a roll of paper before.
I gave in and bought T.Swift’s album. So far I do not regret this.
Why the Election Wasn’t the Feminist Victory Many Had Hoped For –
Creativity can help extend coding opportunities to girls and underserved youth –
Reading: “6 Tips for Preparing a Paleo Thanksgiving”
@sean_p_walsh I had a webcam broadcasting my living room on my blog for years. But I’m an extrovert weirdo. 🙂
RT @lindseybieda: “I say totes now. It started as an accident and now I just do it.”
Ackbar’s gonna ack-ack-ack-ack-ack
Choke a Moff (Taylor Swift parody) | MeFi Music – So awesome. “I Knew You Were Tribbles (When You Dropped In” is pretty damn fantastic too.
+10 for Belly.
Rookie » Friday Playlist: Hanging Out With Angela Chase and Rayanne Graff – This is relevant to my interests.
Ralph Cake
Threadcakes | Cutout Ralph Threadless cake by Kylie Mangles – This is AMAZING. I had to click through the entire slideshow before my eyes would allow me to believe that’s actually a cake.
This settles it.
The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 7 Myths That Need To Go Away | Serious Eats – Screw the Snook’s objections. I’m getting a cast iron skillet.
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@gilmae Huh? I’m at work as normal. Where did you get that idea?
@gilmae Ahhh, nah. That’s referring to a contest for Women in Technology. 🙂
My favourite mo is making its annual appearance. Please consider sponsoring @the_snook for Movember! –
Great writeup of our 9Jumpin multicam feature from Brightcove. They also link to the video demo I did for them earli…
The appeal of unhappy cities // Well, the Snook is never going to move to Indiana after seeing this.
VIOLENT FEMMES – 30TH ANNIVERSARY ALBUM TOUR – Music at the House // Holy crap. Booked in.
@randomknits Costco is the best. (I still owe you for cups!!)
@drwitty_knitter Lovely! Well done.
“Problems With Antidoping System Cast a Shadow on Kenyan Runners”
Reading: “Jean Shrimpton 1960s Photos : Best Jean Shrimpton Style”
Another piece of the #secretplan falling into place…
@surrenderdotty Hahahaha… That’s not the plan this time, but definitely a Halloween option for the future!
RT @pillowfortcast: Episode 3 is out!
@Fifikins Whhaaat?! Is it any good?
Photo post
Another piece of the #secretplan falling into place…