Don’t tell Captain Keith, but I think our boat – the MV George Robinson – is the Cutest Thing Evar. @ Arthur River
The edge of the world. (No, really. That’s what it’s called.) @ Edge Of The World
Me and my new boyfriend Arthur. @ Arthur River
Don’t tell Captain Keith, but I think our boat – the MV George Robinson – is the Cutest Thing Evar. @ Arthur River
The edge of the world. (No, really. That’s what it’s called.) @ Edge Of The World
Me and my new boyfriend Arthur. @ Arthur River
Part of me wishes I was in Indiana settling down for a big family meal, of course. But right here is pretty amazing too. Things I’m thankful for today:
Time lapse of refilling the locomotive at Rinadeena Saddle – pretty much the summit! @ West Coast…
Time lapse of turning the locomotive around at Dubbil Barril. Lady trainengineer FTW!
We had a fantastic time on the West Coast Wilderness Railway today! Highly recommended if you’re ever…
Lunch. I finally got to try a Hartz soda! (@ Cafe Serenade in Queenstown, Tas)
Biscuits & gravy (Tassie-style), Escoffier prawn cocktail, and a 600+g local ribeye with all the…
w-g: Happy Thanksgiving! Part of me wishes I was in Indiana settling down for a big family meal, of course…
Me and my new boyfriend Arthur. @ Arthur River
The edge of the world. (No, really. That’s what it’s called.) @ Edge Of The World
Don’t tell Captain Keith, but I think our boat – the MV George Robinson – is the Cutest Thing Evar. @…
Biscuits & gravy (Tassie-style), Escoffier prawn cocktail, and a 600+g local ribeye with all the fixin’s. Wow. The reviews don’t lie; best restaurant in NW Tas. @ Brasserie At Xanders
We had a fantastic time on the West Coast Wilderness Railway today! Highly recommended if you’re ever in this part of the world. @ Queens-town
Turning the locomotive around at Dubbil Barril. Lady trainengineer FTW!
Refilling the locomotive at Rinadeena Saddle – pretty much the summit! @ West Coast Wilderness Railway
ALL ABOARD! @ West Coast Wilderness Railway
One for the train nerds! Let’s go climb some mountains in an old steam train. @ West Coast Wilderness Railway
On top of Mount Wellington. Holy crap. So windy you can barely stand, and temp feels like -13C.…
Time lapse on Mount Wellington summit with one very cold Snook. @ Mount Wellington Summit
“Dad says hydroelectric power stations remind us of man’s ability to generate electricity.” @ Tarraleah
We made it to Queenstown, and our B&B is amaaaaazing. @ Penghana B&B
Seriously, that’s the view out the window. Picture friggin’ postcard. @ Penghana B&B
Dinner = chicky chicky parm parm in the local. Alfred Deakin ate here in 1908! Love it. @ Empire Hotel
Reading: “Hackers shut down Sony Pictures’ computers and are blackmailing the studio”
One for the train nerds! Let’s go climb some mountains in an old steam train. @ West Coast Wilderness…
ALL ABOARD! @ West Coast Wilderness Railway
Dinner = chicky chicky parm parm in the local. Alfred Deakin ate here in 1908! Love it. @ Empire Hotel