Awwwwwww yeah. #MONA @ Tasmania Airport.
Hello Tasmania! We are in you! @ Hobart International Airport
Awwwwwww yeah. #MONA @ Tasmania Airport.
Hello Tasmania! We are in you! @ Hobart International Airport
Our holiday party theme this year is “When I Grow Up.” I’m going for it.
w-g: Thanksgiving Recipes Across the United States – Indiana is represented by Persimmon Pudding?! WTF.
Final work done, out-of-office is on. We are officially on holiday for 10 days! Now I just need to actually, uh, sleep and pack.
Reading: “Uber’s Moral Compass Needs Recalibration”
@carlfish I started blogging before I knew there could be negative consequences. I definitely do it a lot less now, and I do self-censor.
@carlfish There are definitely topics that I suspect would draw more hassle and attention that I care to deal with.
Reading: “Former Amazon employee plans hunger strike, as standoff with company escalates”
Getting final bits and pieces for our holiday! (@ Broadway Shopping Centre in Broadway, NSW)
Thanksgiving Recipes Across the United States – – Indiana is represented by Persimmon Pudding?! I’ve never ever heard of such a thing.
Google Fit Developer Challenge – I’ve been playing around with Apple’s HealthKit and it’s got some nice features. I wonder what the Android devs will come up with? (I also note that Withings gets a big nod, while Fitbit’s anti-integration stance presumably kept them out.)
@SydneyGA @Atlassian Damn! Wish I’d known about this earlier; I’ve got a prior commitment. I’ll share it around though!
w-g: Scalpers target The Fat Duck – WTF. This sucks! I can’t believe I missed out because I was honest. 🙁
Attended my first ever Toastmasters meeting tonight, and I won an award! Positive reinforcement FTW.…
RT @georgiedent: “A meritocracy is defined by those who believe they are meritorious” Lt Gen David Morrison We are all riddled with bias. #…
w-g: Pamie � Barbie Fucks It Up Again – Well, crap. I actually own a Computer Engineer Barbie. @Illdrinn
Reading: “Apple releases iOS 8.1.1 to improve performance on old products”
Reading: “The Quick and Dirty Guide to Brining Chicken or Turkey”
w-g: Technically Speaking – My friend @catehstn is one of the founders of this newsletter about tech talks…
@catehstn I put it on Google+ and LinkedIn as well. Such a great idea! Well done.
@catehstn Except I found it a day too late to rescue the terrible bio I wrote for a proposal last night. *sigh* Next time.
Pamie » Barbie Fucks It Up Again – Well, crap. I actually own a Computer Engineer Barbie. I won it at a Girl Geek event at Google three years ago. She’s been sitting on my desk at work ever since, still pristine in her box. I loved her pink laptop and her jaunty Bluetooth headset and her sensible sneakers. And now I can’t even look at her! HOW COULD YOU LET ME DOWN, BARBIE. Ugh.
Attended my first ever Toastmasters meeting tonight, and I won an award! Positive reinforcement FTW. #hermione @ Australian Computer Society (ACS)
Scalpers target The Fat Duck – WTF. I can’t believe I missed out because I was honest and only entered once. The Terms said you had to register for the ballot under your own name and couldn’t sell the ticket. They should make people show IDs that match when they turn up. Jerks.