Month: December 2014

  • Spoiler alert.

    Does Sean Bean Really Die More Than Other Actors? « Nerdist – Hahaha, the MeFi comments are pretty good too…


  • Shared on Instagram

    Homemade zucchini bread ice cream. Oh hell yes.


  • Reading on Flipboard

    Uber launches in Portland, Oregon despite being completely illegal there Does an Innocent Man Have the Right to Be Exonerated? Ýr Jóhannsdóttir’s Vomiting Santa Sweater How to Take Better Photos of Christmas Lights


  • Sweet peach?!

    Sweetpeachprobiotics – This is the one of the weirdest crowdfunding projects I’ve ever seen. She’s setting up a business where you can get your vaginal microbial flora sequenced and then subscribe to receive personalised probiotics. I see the worth in the idea; any woman who’s ever had a urinary tract infection can tell you that…


  • Reading on Flipboard

    Why is Santa Claus: The Movie so merrily maligned? New app lets Aaron Paul call you a bitch Google Gets Thousands Of Girls To Program The White House Christmas Tree Lights Forget Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy, the humble flip phone is back


  • Master blacksmith forges a beautiful knife


  • More reading

    Nobody Wants to Be the Girl on a Diet — The Cut – This is so, so spot on. And I just realised how weird it is to read an article that makes me like Gwyneth Paltrow more than Jennifer Lawrence (or at least to feel sympathy for her, because, hey, she’s actually just being…


  • Reading

    What It’s Like to Be a Woman Who’s 6’2″ – I’m only 5’10”, but I can relate a little.


  • Calling out Cosby

    So, About That Episode Where 30 Rock Called Out Bill Cosby as a Rapist – I remember this. Wow, yeah.


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    Other “Game” costumes I liked: Chun-Li and Sudoku! He’s only pretending. He didn’t solve it.
