Month: December 2014

  • Amen.

    Give in to your anger: Stars Wars Episode 7 needs a dose of Princess Leia’s fury | Film | The Guardian


  • Books to read

    10 Life Improving Books for your Holiday Wish List – You know, once I’m done with the entire Outlander series.


  • Shared on Instagram


  • Serial

    Before the trip, I downloaded all the episodes of Serial to my iPhone. “This podcast is crazy popular,” I told the Snook. “It’s about a crime or something.” Needless to say, we got completely and instantly hooked. You’ve all heard it, right? If not, get on that. And then check out the subreddit. And then…


  • ryanqnorth: “I got an Android on Cyber Monday” is a sentence our grandparents all assumed we’d be saying in the year 2014, but for much radder reasons mashable: Apple lights up Sydney with red logo, world to follow suit
