Month: January 2015

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    @miss_reecie Where is the caftan, I ask you? WHERE IS THE CAFTAN?

    @miss_reecie Yeah, mine only just came back too. And then I may have killed it by entering the Show. We’ll see.

    Reading: “Why harder onboarding can lead to better users.”

    @urban_hunters Reporting for spam.

    w-g: In which I wax ecstatic about Max Martin, our unsung Swedish pop overlord. No, really.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Small! (I am dying of the cute.)

    @RoseRed_Shoes This is what you’re going for:

    Best of Bootie 2014 is available! How did I miss that? As I said to the Snook, “THERE’S THE WEEKEND SORTED.”

    387! New top score on #crossyroad.

    Reading: “Fan Theory: Obi-Wan Kenobi Was Using Luke Skywalker as Bait to Lure Darth Vader to Tatooine”

    @randomknits @gilmae I’ve nearly collected all the characters!

    @gilmae One of my colleagues got over 400. I hate him.

    @supercres Hahaha… Yeah, it makes going out to eat really difficult. I’ve never been able to last a full month.

    RT @halcrawford: Real heat in this one in the newsroom – the Battle for the Flat White

    Reading: “What Marissa Mayer Got Wrong (and Right) About Stack Ranking Employees”

    Reading: “”

    @drwitty_knitter Confession: I actually like that. Would probably wear it too. 🙂

    @drwitty_knitter @SallyPompom @knitterjp Can one of you please give my apologies today? Rodd and I are going to memorial service.

  • On a related note…

    Best of Bootie 2014 – is available! How did I miss that? As I said to the Snook, “THERE’S THE WEEKEND SORTED.”

  • Max Martin

    While we were driving around Tasmania in November, I subjected the Snook to quite a lot of T. Swift. He started arguing that there’s no way she writes all her songs herself. “SHE TOTALLY DOES,” I argued persuasively. He checked Wikipedia and said, “Huh. This guy Max Martin has a co-writing credit on “Shake It Off.” Hmm. WHOA. He’s produced, like, every single song you like.” I didn’t believe him at first, but it’s so true. Max Martin is a one-man Swedish FACTORY OF CATCHINESS. He has written or co-written 19 #1 singles, third on the list behind Lennon and McCartney. Today I discovered that someone has curated a Spotify playlist with over 200 of his songs. And they’re all good! Seriously, even the random ones I’ve ever ever heard of. Max Martin – I applaud you.

    Quoth the Snook: “I, for one, WELCOME our new Swedish pop overlord.”

    And don’t even bother giving me shit for liking pop music. I am way past the age where I care about hipster cred.

  • Want all the things.

    Ikea Is Reissuing Amazing Old Designs From the 1950s and 60s – Wow. Suddenly rethinking my decision not to buy IKEA furniture anymore. I love that chair and coffee table. I wonder if this collection will make it to Australia?!

  • Whole30: Day 8

    Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled in ghee with chorizo, onion, capsicum, and coriander; black coffee
    Lunch: “Roast of the day” at Establishment: BBQ lamb leg with saute potato and zucchini; lemon-lime & bitters
    Dinner: Salmon, pumpkin, and zucchini

    I suspect there was probably a little bit of dairy (butter) involved with the potato at lunch. The big mistake was the lemon-lime & bitters. I don’t know why I thought that it wouldn’t be super sweet, but it was. I regretted it from the first sip. I ended up watering it down more than 50% and at least then I could drink it. Not eating sugar really makes you sensitive to this stuff!

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    RT @HachetteAus: NEIL GAIMAN. IN SYDNEY. JAN 31. We have 2 double passes to giveaway, RT to win! Drawn 12/01. @neilh…

    RT @Ann_dLandes: I was already going to vote #greensfornewtown – Luke Foley’s ascension is even more of a reason. The Labor machine is old …

    @gilmae There was a similar discussion on MeFi last night. It’s very tricky to make that point without seeming like you’re justifying it.

    @lucykbain @railsgirls @ncss Awesome – well done!!

    @amandapalmer @one_small_duck @dorkymum @AlanaCalvert I’m in Oz and I got the newsletter this morning! Oddly, subject line had “Test:” in it

    @laimelde Sure, will do!

    RT @NYMag: Shia LaBeouf and the “Chandelier” girl have a cage-match dance-off in this Sia video:…

    I’m calling it now: koala paw protectors will be the new “penguin jumpers” for the next five years. Am I right, knitters?

    RT @joshhunt: Look! I’ve been written about! I’m such skilled now! Thanks @thatpatrickguy

    RT @lauraklein: Daily standup goes much more quickly when I make everybody plank instead of standing up. #ProductManagementTips

  • Well, duh.

    Foley gay marriage stance may hurt Labor in Newtown – We just got notice from the Electoral Commission that Chippendale has been redistricted and now falls into the Newtown Electoral District. So this guy is now our local Labor candidate. Not that it matters very much; I haven’t preferenced them first in any state election I’ve voted in.

    Edited to add: Thank you to Lyn for correcting me! Foley isn’t the Newtown candidate; he’s the party leader.

  • Whole30: Day 7

    Feeling more energetic!

    Breakfast: Just coffee. Wasn’t hungry.
    Lunch: Smoked chicken, bacon, and asparagus salad at Establishment (and a couple sneaky French fries, which were DIVINE!)
    Dinner: Curried Cream of Broccoli Soup

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @drkknits I believe Tom and Lorenzo refer to him as “Rocker Pixie Jesus.”

    OMG I NEED TO CROCHET BABY GROOT NOW! @RoseRed_Shoes please help.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Ooh, perhaps we could arrange a barter system of some kind!

    @mobywhale @ignitesydney Challenge accepted! 🙂

    @RoseRed_Shoes That would be arranged. Perhaps once it’s not 30 degrees though. 🙂

    w-g: Rhyme-as-reason effect – TIL that people actually trust information more if it rhymes. That’s so weird.

    @that_alison That’s silly, right?

    Wow – just spotted @nomnompaleo on Aussie TV’s “The Paleo Way” while eating Curried Broccoli Soup from…

    RT @miss_raej: Why Wonder Woman is better than Superman 😜

    RT @ignitesydney: It’s a new year, so it must be time for another #IgniteSydney – our lucky 13th event. Submit your proposal at…

    @mayorofnewtown Thanks for that. Just got notice that we in Chippo have been redistricted into Newtown. That is definitely a consideration.