Wow – just spotted @nomnompaleo on Aussie TV’s “The Paleo Way” while eating Curried Broccoli Soup from her recipe! #totesunplanned
Month: January 2015
Liquor before beer, never fear!
Rhyme-as-reason effect – Today I learned that people actually trust information more if it rhymes. That’s so weird. I guess humans are just wired to like rhythmic proverbs.
Reading on Flipboard
- I feared the worst, but Starbucks’ new flat white is actually not bad
- 20 podcasts you need to hear in 2015
- Anti-Vaxxers Are Idolizing the Amish, Inexplicably
- You can play nearly 2,400 classic MS-DOS games for free right now
- Star Wars Fan in 1979: We Need More of Luke and Leia’s Romance!
- Men At Work’s “Who Can It Be Now?” blurs the line between private and crazy
The Whole30® Timeline, Version 2.0 | The Whole30® Program – So far my experience has been slightly different. I didn’t hit the Hangover til Day 5. Here on Day 7, I just want a Nap. I also feel mildly cranky, so maybe the “Punch everyone in the face” impulse is lurking in the background too.
Free Crochet Pattern: Potted Baby Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy | Twinkie Chan Blog – Looks like I’m going to have to try crochet again. 🙂
Clench your butt?
10 tips for conquering public speaking nerves – Very good advice from the latest Technically Speaking newsletter.
Whole30: Day 6
It was a very tempting day, as I went out for lunch with my nephew (to Jamie’s Italian), went to a pub after work, and then nearly got strong-armed into going out to dinner as well.
Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled in ghee with leftover tomato and basil salad, black coffee
Lunch: Seared Tuna Salad at Jamie’s Italian, sparkling water, black coffee
Dinner: Leftover Cracklin’ Chicken thighs with a big bowl of salad -
How to Get on Taylor Swift’s Christmas List – Christmas, Music News, Real People Stories, Taylor Swift : – This got shared on Notre Dame’s alumni Twitter account since the 3rd grade teacher mentioned is a fellow Domer. Isn’t that sweet? TAYLOR SWIFT IS AWESOME AND I DON’T CARE IF YOU DISAGREE.
Woodworking Squares You Need to Know | Welcome to the Craftsy Blog! – Someday I’m going to learn woodworking. In the meantime, I like learning about the tools people use for their hobbies. I recommend you read this in Nick Offerman’s voice too for extra Ron Swanson-ness.
Shared today on Twitter
I had lunch with a young man today. 🙂
@udjamaflip Still on the roof? 🙂
RT @techspeakdigest: Technically Speaking – Jan 6, 2015
RT @auxesis: For those who missed it, my original post on making the transition to engineering management:
RT @gilmae: “Quinnspiracy Blog – 2015”
What a crazy year for her. What a crazy shitty year. It’s maddening. Gamer gate are scum http://t.…
@gilmae Well said.
I confess I get scared every time I tweet something related to GG. They notice them. 🙁
327! New top score on #crossyroad. FINALLY!!! @gilmae @randomknits
@gilmae @randomknits I was just trying to break 300. And I did it with the stupid SNAIL!
Reading: “Men At Work’s “Who Can It Be Now?” blurs the line between private and crazy”
Reading: “Star Wars Fan in 1979: We Need More of Luke and Leia’s Romance!”
Reading: “You can play nearly 2,400 classic MS-DOS games for free right now”
Reading: “Anti-Vaxxers Are Idolizing the Amish, Inexplicably”
Reading: “20 podcasts you need to hear in 2015”
Reading: “I feared the worst, but Starbucks’ new flat white is actually not bad”
@jchyip I wonder if this is why I have to turn the radio down when I parallel park. 🙂
@jchyip Exactly. My drivers ed teacher must’ve insisted on silence.
@drwitty_knitter I grew up in Amish country. They’re definitely not healthy supermen, and they eat the same crap as everybody else mostly.
Damn. Just realised intarsia got removed from RAS knitting comp categories this year. There goes that blue ribbon.
Easter Show knitting comp officially entered. Come at me, bro.