Month: January 2015

  • Spoiler: Exactly as depressing as you expect

    What Silicon Valley Thinks of Women – Breakfast for me is served with a side of rage today. Quotes that resonated:

    • “Researchers interviewed 350 female entrepreneurs, and most cited “lack of available advisers” at the top of their list.”
    • “…venture capitalists talk about the need to get 10-year-old girls into science in order to bring up the numbers of women they will fund, but don’t fund the ones already in the industry”
    • “But the problem for women in the workforce is that there are many more mentees than mentors. Also, the tech industry is changing so fast that women even five or 10 years older may have very little of practical use to share with younger workers.”
    • “Wadhwa often talks about the importance of “pattern recognition” among VCs. The male bankers simply have an idea of what a successful startup founder looks like, and young women like Carey and Mosenthal simply don’t fit.”

    That said, there was a silver lining from this article: I signed up for Glassbreakers. I’m not sure they’ll approve someone from Australia yet, but I figured it’s worth a shot. It’s a great initiative. I’ve met less than a handful of women here that I thought would be suitable mentors for me, but I didn’t want to ask them for fear they’re already swamped with requests. It would be nice to think the next generation won’t have that problem to the same degree.

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    Instagramming the Instagrammers at Kinokuniya tonight. Went with quiteriequi to hear eatdrinkpaleo’s…

    RT @ninemsn: Why Cate Blanchett took the bus to the AACTAs

    @codepo8 Congratulations!

    I just signed up for @Glassbreakersco. Join me! // Not sure if they’ll approve someone in Oz yet, but worth a shot.

    w-g: What Silicon Valley Thinks of Women – Breakfast for me is served with a side of rage today.

    Power out for anybody else in Chippendale? @mpesce @m_mobbs

    @SerriLaw Ours came back after like 10 minutes!

    @lucykbain I thought so too, but it let me register. I figured they’d have picked up location from LinkedIn and blocked me.

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    Instagramming the Instagrammers at Kinokuniya tonight. Went with @quiteriequi to hear @eatdrinkpaleo's talk!

    Instagramming the Instagrammers at Kinokuniya tonight. Went with @quiteriequi to hear @eatdrinkpaleo’s talk! @ Kinokuniya Sydney

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    @KnitGuildNSW @drwitty_knitter Thank you for the reminder! Doing it now. 🙂

    @gilmae I had to read context. I thought at first you really did quit.

    RT @DaveJory: Prince Phillip is delighted to announce he has just received a scholarship to study at the Whitehouse Design Institute!

    Finally curling up with one of the great works of the Western literary canon…

    RT @testchick: RT @KeithKlain: RT: January edition of @WomenTesters is now out. Download a copy here – @WomenTesters

    Reading: “Seattle’s Scarlet Letter Composting System”

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    Finally curling up with one of the great works of the Western literary canon...

    Finally curling up with one of the great works of the Western literary canon…

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    RT @GGDSydney: Registrations for the February GGD at Atlassian is now open! Go get your tickets 😀 #ggdsyd

    I’ll be speaking at this meetup about online advertising and what we can do as an industry to make it suck less. 🙂

    @garethrhughes He’s awesome! Love Arthur. Won big on Jeopardy in the US last year, super smart and very funny in his online writing.

    @chrisgander I had the same reaction. IT’S JUST A RUBBER BAND YOU FLIP BACK AND FORTH!

    @JM77 Are you at GDG tonight?

    Google Developer Group. Interested to hear from Dev Advocates about Android and Material Design! (@ Google)

    @JM77 @testingqa Pizza is here! Perfect timing

    Apparently the Sydney #gdg tonight is the biggest ever. Like, in the world.

    “Transmogrified reality.” That’s a Calvin & Hobbes reference, isn’t it? 🙂 #gdgsydney

    @grabthecode They don’t have rule about you all appearing together? Like the royal family. What if meteor hits the building? 🙂 #gdgsydney

    Questioner fail! Gambling app dev should’ve at least got the app name out there. 🙂 #gdgsydney

    Haha, 3rd or 4th question in a row asking future stuff that Advocates aren’t allowed to talk about. Whoops. #gdgsydney

    Big difference between solving a user problem and simply adding an app to a user’s life. The first should be our goal. #gdgsydney

    @pyko You didn’t actually miss a whole lot. I took some notes, but nothing groundbreaking. They couldn’t talk about anything coming up.

    @mobywhale Ooh ooh cool! Thanks for that. 🙂

    Reading: “Our Hiring Process is Broken. Can a Hackathon Fix It?”

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    Reading: “The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of the Ukulele”

    Reading: “15 habits of an ineffective networker: What not to do at your next event”

    Anyone looking for bedroom furniture? We’re selling dresser + 2 night tables!

    @drkknits I wondered how you were going! I do not miss snow. 🙂

    I would like it to be known that tonight, a Brit did not realise I was a Yank. HE THOUGHT I WAS AUSSIE. YEAHHHHHH.