‘Serial’ Witness: I Never Recanted Adnan’s Alibi — Vulture – I am unable to NOT click on a Serial-related link when I see one.
Month: January 2015
Photo post
Power pose from @racereplica as he presents at Node Ninjas!
Reading on Flipboard
Whole30: Day 19
Breakfast: Two more eggs scrambled in ghee with capsicum; three pork chipolatas
Lunch: Tuna niçoise salad
Dinner: Beef stew from the freezer
State of Startups in Australia
Startup Muster – Really cool survey results for the Australian startup landscape in 2014. I was surprised how many founders are in their 30’s; my perception was that most were younger. Perhaps they’re just more visible? At any rate, I was really happy to see that the percentage of female founders is slowly increasing. Overall it looks like there’s a real need for mentors as well as strong design skills across all startups.
Photo post
I don’t need your judgement, Netflix. #friendsmarathon
Just installed this.
The Effing Weather – Have some fun with your weather app – It’s effing hilarious. 🙂
Whole30: Day 18
Breakfast: Two eggs scrambled in ghee with capsicum; three pork chipolatas
Lunch: Ham and carrot and radish slaw with cranberries and toasted walnuts
Dinner: Super porktastic meatloaf; oven roasted kale chips; more carrot and radish slaw
Reading on Flipboard
Pride and Prejudice Book Scarf by storiarts on Etsy – I like this.