@redambition Have you seen the new Withings watches? I really, really like them.
Reading: “The best sitcom episodes of the last 25 years (part 1)” http://t.co/NK2SNlSr0b
@redambition Have you seen the new Withings watches? I really, really like them.
Reading: “The best sitcom episodes of the last 25 years (part 1)” http://t.co/NK2SNlSr0b
WHAT SHOULD WE CALL STAGE MANAGEMENT – I am amused that I still get all of these. Damn. Sometimes I miss calling a show.
@drkknits Franklin Habit just commented on @drwitty_knitter’s FB post that he’s gotten hate mail for NOT posting about the damn mittens.
@samwdowning I am so onboard that train. 🙂
@anwyn *waves*
RT @ChippendaleComm: Live/love #Chippendale? Tweet #DigitiseMySuburb to @StateLibraryNSW http://t.co/RyPoBof9bd http://t.co/7lkKc8xLZv
@codepo8 One of the few I haven’t unlocked yet. Grrrr.
@Ascasewwen Oh, that’s very pretty! I avoided because the pattern pics make the neckline look very wide. Did you change yours at all?
@catehstn Just sent you a sneaky DM. 🙂
@mobywhale @webdirections Same here! My two WDYK speaking engagements were so fun; they definitely got me addicted to presenting!
Reading: “Your Online Avatar May Reveal More About You Than You’d Think” http://t.co/bLulncZbZt
Reading: “Why does food taste different on planes?” http://t.co/JhHf8y9Jto
I Played The New Princess Bride Video Game So You Wouldn’t Have To | Kotaku Australia – Huh. So there’s a new Princess Bride game available for iOS. It doesn’t sound very good though.
What is good is As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride. We listened to the audiobook on the way to and from Rodd’s parents’ house at Christmas. Cary Elwes reads the book and it features actual soundbites from a great many people in the cast. We loved it. It sounds like everyone on it had a wonderful time. They talk about Andre the Giant a LOT, and what a great guy he was. It’s so sweet when Robin Wright talks about how dashing Cary was, and it’s obvious they were both smitten from day one. It’s just a lovely, lovely book, and if you like the movie, you should read or listen to it.
The only problem: it made me really excited to re-watch the movie, so we did as soon as we got home. And man, I hadn’t seen it in a long time… some of the effects are a lot worse than I remembered. I think as a kid you gloss over that part. So I’m warning you, if you haven’t watched it in a while, you might be surprised in a not-great way.
Breakfast: Leftover onion/carrot/ham omelette roll-up; sausages; black coffee
Snack: Couple handfuls of roasted almonds; some ham
Dinner: Leftover Paleo Tex Mex casserole
RT @mobywhale: Know anyone who wants to learn about Sass? @dp_lewis and I will be running an intro to Sass workshop for WWC: http://t.co/qC…
“Write a fun bio,” they said. “It’ll make you look human!” they said. Mine is by far the silliest. http://t.co/4T3EY5yPur @webdirections
RT @webdirections: Really excited to launch our first event for 2015. RESPOND features @Malarkey @scottjehl @yeseniaa and many more! http:/…
@damncabbage Such the best game! I liked the lo-fi DRM where you had to enter a random word from the printed manual.
@mobywhale @ignitesydney Haha, I submitted two I think! 🙂
@Xavier_Ho Yay! My first ever conference. I’m a little nervous. 🙂
437! New top score on #crossyroad. I BROKE 400!!! @gilmae @randomknits http://t.co/MmLo1YbnUD http://t.co/wonLsE9Mvi
@gilmae @randomknits Also, that was Giddy Goat on the bus home. I didn’t realise it was a record run til I passed 350.
Reading: “Hanging With The Girl-Kings Of One Of The World’s Only Matriarchies” http://t.co/CbpZddxB9c
@gilmae @randomknits Yup. I unlocked that one randomly pretty early.
@kattjera Thank you! Hope you can come. I will be looking for friendly faces in the audience. 🙂
@gilmae @randomknits I’ve got 40/53 so far.
@codepo8 Great post, and congrats on the move. I’ll be interested to see where you turn up next!