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We end with lollies... but we're all too full to eat them! #fatduck

We end with lollies… but we’re all too full to eat them! #fatduck

Four hours in... and we're having whisky (gummies). How sophisticated. #fatduck

Four hours in… and we’re having whisky (gummies). How sophisticated. #fatduck

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Scrambled egg-and-bacon ice cream (made with liquid nitrogen), French toast, and marmalade. As you do. #fatduck

Scrambled egg-and-bacon ice cream (made with liquid nitrogen), French toast, and marmalade. As you do. #fatduck

We got to contribute a piece to the massive jigsaw puzzle mural. #fatduck

We got to contribute a piece to the massive jigsaw puzzle mural. #fatduck

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We finish with breakfast!

We finish with breakfast!

The desserts have begun. Grapes! Jelly! Popping candy! Meringue! Cookie sand! We have all perked up. #fatduck

The desserts have begun. Grapes! Jelly! Popping candy! Meringue! Cookie sand! We have all perked up. #fatduck